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acute pain in left eye on wakeing up each day, oh and hi!

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  • acute pain in left eye on wakeing up each day, oh and hi!

    hi this is my first post, i just want to say first of all, thx for a great site with loads of great information, ok now for my problem, i think i may have Recurrent Corneal Erosion the reason being i get acute pain in left eye on wakeing up each day but sometimes misses a day or two, sometimes it lasts just a few seconds, sometimes a few minutes, once gone its gone i mean once eye lid is open, the rest of the day i have no problems at all, the pain for as long as it lasts is very bad, i describe it as it feels like my eye lid is stuck to my eyeball and it peels the surface of the eye when it is opened, i do put 2 drops of hypromellose in left eye each night but dont seem to help, i have had problem the last few year's or so, i think like 3 years ago i can remember getting something bad in my eye but cant be 100% sure its not just in my mind that i did damage eye, does this sound like RCE ? oh a month back i went to the opticians to have my eyes tested and i did not need glasses for another few years they said, but i did tell her about these pains i get, she put some drops in my eyes and said no wonder you have damage to your left eye, she then contacted my doctor and they booked me into see a eye specialist, he said had i ever damaged my eye before and like i said above i thought i had, but for the life of me i cant remember exactly what he said was wrong with me, some sort of scarring maybe and i think he did say it would not heal, all he said was take these drops if needed hypromellose there called,and if pain continues see doctor, so again does this sound like RCE and for anyone that has this problem, after the initial pain until eye opens is there rest of your day also ok and no drops needed ?, only at night maybe ? and if so what do you recommend i buy from the UK where i live, oh if i had dry eye also would that not mean my eyes would be bad all day, i get no problems whatsoever through the day, any help please thankyou.

  • #2
    Hi there
    It certainly sounds like an RCE and it sounds like your eye is drying up over night. Genteal Gel does help some people but not me.
    It might sound daft but you have to try to drum it into your subconcious to keep your eyes shut the minute you wake up. Then put a couple of drops in to the corner of your closed eye and let it soak in before you slowly open your eye. It sounds mad but it does work and you can train yourself to do this. Pain is a good trainer I find!



    • #3
      hi barry and thx for replying, i did read somewhere else on this forum where a person keeps some water besides there bed, and when they wake up if they have problem they also put drops of water in corner of eye and let it seep in, do you mean water or Gentean Gel ? also can you have like rce/dry eye in just one eye like me, or am i going to get it also in right eye, after initial pain the rest of my day is fine thou. cheers



      • #4
        Hi Chris

        It does sound like you may be having RCEs - sorry to hear that. Something else to consider: most brands of hypromellose use BAK as a preservative. There are many other drops that are preservative-free or use a much kinder preservative. You'll see lots of recommendations on here, and Rebecca has made a useful list.

        There is a sub-forum about Corneal Erosions and Dystrophies here , with loads of helpful information too.



        • #5
          thx for reply lisa, i will pop along to that forum soon i did see it there, i was wonderig if i should have posted there in the first place but thought i better introduce myself here first, i better not post the same message again thou, thx



          • #6
            Hi Chris
            I only get RCE in my right eye which was the one I had Lasiked.
            No I dont mean water but some form of over counter drop such as blink or nutratears.



            • #7
              Hi, I think the water ref was from Ian, have read it too, it's unpreserved saline that he uses, I don't know the brand name in the UK, but unisol / polyrinse are all varieties of this. Have only just been able to get Polyrinse U in opticians myself in Europe. I think the trick is to keep it by the bed and if you think your eye is really glued to the lid to dribble it around the lids until they loosen. You can do this with unpreserved drops as well but the unpreserved saline gives more per bottle. Depends what you need.

              Regarding your drops, do look at the ones you have, as pointed out the ones you have prob have preservatives. It's great you found this site as you'll find you kind of have to kit yourself up with drops until you can get a good doctor on the case.

              Try at night something like Dwelle (from the dry eye shop on here). I use Dwelle before sleep and I have some other drops which I use when I wake in the night and in the morning, they're in unpreserved vials - there's a lot of different types of these and they're easy to carry around and use in the day. You have to find out which suit you.

              You can also try clinitas ultra 3 which I believe is as similar to Dwelle as you can get in the UK. I think it's over-the-counter as you can order it online too.
              just keep swimming...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Hangus View Post
                Hi Chris
                I only get RCE in my right eye which was the one I had Lasiked.
                No I dont mean water but some form of over counter drop such as blink or nutratears.

                Hi barry, i only get it in my left eye, are you like me when eye has opened and pain gone, your ok until the following morning, sometimes pain last just a second or two until eye lid has opened but sometimes it last's a few minites, thx for the blink and nutratears ideal, only trouble is with all these drops they last like just 28 days once opened, but just applying in the morning if eyelid is stuck, a bottle could lasts months, do we really have to stop useing bottle after 28 days even if bottle is still almost full ?, cheers


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Stanza View Post
                  Hi, I think the water ref was from Ian, have read it too, it's unpreserved saline that he uses, I don't know the brand name in the UK, but unisol / polyrinse are all varieties of this. Have only just been able to get Polyrinse U in opticians myself in Europe. I think the trick is to keep it by the bed and if you think your eye is really glued to the lid to dribble it around the lids until they loosen. You can do this with unpreserved drops as well but the unpreserved saline gives more per bottle. Depends what you need.

                  Regarding your drops, do look at the ones you have, as pointed out the ones you have prob have preservatives. It's great you found this site as you'll find you kind of have to kit yourself up with drops until you can get a good doctor on the case.

                  Try at night something like Dwelle (from the dry eye shop on here). I use Dwelle before sleep and I have some other drops which I use when I wake in the night and in the morning, they're in unpreserved vials - there's a lot of different types of these and they're easy to carry around and use in the day. You have to find out which suit you.

                  You can also try clinitas ultra 3 which I believe is as similar to Dwelle as you can get in the UK. I think it's over-the-counter as you can order it online too.
                  thx stanza for reply, trouble is i only have the problem until my eye actually opens, i then get no other problem until the next morning, and thats only if eyelid is stuck to eyeball then its acute pain, i did try to get clinitas ultra 3 here in the uk but no luck yet, cheers


                  • #10
                    Clinitas Ultra is available from a number of websites.

                    I have not seen it in a pharmacy and I generally buy it directly from Altacor.

                    You do not require a prescription but I received a letter from Altacor recently indicating that their products are available on prescription.

                    If you want to get hold of Clinitas Ultra try googling postoptics or altacor the going price is about £7.99. Shop around (online) some include shipping for free, others charge for it.

                    Someone was after Clinitas Soothe in another post, googling it in the UK will also return a number of online shops.




                    • #11
                      Also check out

                      Remeber to check the postage costs when ordering online, some sites include it in the price others charge you an additional fee,

                      It was me that keeps unpresered saline beside the bed. I now just have a bottle of Clinitas Ultra (as this is pretty much all I use these days).

                      In the UK the unpreserved saline are called Steripods and used for wound irrigation among other things. They are not cheap but they got me through a patch.



                      • #12
                        thx for reply ian, i will check thouse places out to get hold of Clinitas Ultra, so ian if you wake up with no problem there is no need to use clinitas really is there ? do you put it in eyes before sleep also or only if you wake up in pain, still seems a shame to throw bottle away after 28 days if hardly any used or is that really not neccesary, really works out exspensive dont you think, cheers



                        • #13
                          Chris - if you're having problems when you wake up you probably need drops in the day as well. I know myself that I might feel like I'm having a 'good evening' but if I leave it too long to put drops in my eyes get worse and if I don't use them in the evening, then I usually have a harder night and worse morning. Since using Dwelle before sleeping I don't have my eyelid sticking to my eyeball as much. You'll find you have to also try something for a while as well, let it have a good chance to give results.

                          If you only have the problem after your eye is open it's a sign to definitely dribble drops in first but if you still have the same pain after trying that for a while, you need to think about other reasons...(maybe...all conjecture I'm afraid on my part!)
                          just keep swimming...


                          • #14
                            thx stanza, i only have the problem opening my eye, once opend i have no problem for the rest of the day and night, and when it does happen its just for a few seconds to like a few minutes of pain, i was going to put drops in before sleep, also if eye is stuck closed a few in corner of eye and work them in.


                            • #15
                              Hi, I wonder if you're sleeping with your eyes open? I can't spell the proper word for it, lap...something...someone help me out.....!! Maybe you should try taping them shut and seeing if that helps?
                              just keep swimming...

