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Decrease swelling?

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  • #16
    Bubbles in the tear film are a sign of meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). Sometimes the bubbles are so small and yet so plentiful that they look like foam along your lower lid. I just notice the odd bubble when I blink. And yes, MGD, usually goes along with dry eyes.


    • #17
      Hello Hopeful2 How are bubbles a sign of MGD? How are they produced? If I haven't experienced foam does it mean that it is not that severe?


      • #18
        Bubbles are a sign of MGD. There are a couple of theories as to how they are caused. One theory is that bacteria in the meibomian glands break down the lipids, so what is released is inflammatory. The other theory (that I know of) is that with dry eye, the ocular surface is inflamed and it is the interaction of the lipids with the inflamed ocular surface which causes the bubbles. In any case, the bubbles are irritating, much the way soap is irritating to the eyes.

        I would guess that if you haven't experienced foam in your tear lake, and only some bubbles, then the MGD is not as serious. You would of course need to check with a doctor in order for your severity of MGD to be assessed.


        • #19
          You could look up the terms saponification or foamy tears.


          • #20
            Thank you Hopeful2 and spmcc for your quick answers! Unfortunately I still haven't found a doctor who is knowledgeable enough and that can diagnose what I have. Most of the doctors that I have seen tell me that there is nothing that they can do for me.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Pearl25 View Post
              Unfortunately I still haven't found a doctor who is knowledgeable enough and that can diagnose what I have. Most of the doctors that I have seen tell me that there is nothing that they can do for me.
              Rebecca has some resources for this problem:

              * How to get better care from your doctor

              * How to find a better doctor

              * How to get a better diagnosis

              * When you think you've tried everything...

              The links above can also be accessed from the main page of The Dry Eye Zone (

              I hope there's something there to help.


              • #22
                Thank you for your kind help spmcc!


                • #23
                  Steroid drop

                  When applying the steroid drop directly to the lid, how long before you typically notice an improvement in swelling? Thanks!

