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  • Steaming

    I am thinking of joining a gym solely because it has a steam room and I think it might be beneficial for my dry eyes. Anyone have any experience using steam rooms? I figure it's the same concept as a hot compress or steam goggles, etc.

  • #2
    I've been wondering the same thing. I would think it would be helpful. I saw an ad for a facial steamer, and was thinking it would be great for dry eyes, I didn't buy it, but haven't stopped thinking about it, I suppose it would be temporary, but when my eyes are acting dreadful, anything that would make them feel better would be such a blessing.


    • #3
      The steam room sounds ideal, incentive enough to join that gym I would think. My gym unfortunately does not have one, but I have been to a few that do. NickJ: let us know if you go ahead and join it, and if it helps you out. re: Facial steamer - I have wanted to try one of these too, but it seems that the reviews are really mixed. They certainly couldn't hurt (unless your face is too close and the steam is too hot!). Again though, if you get one Mawsky, let us know which one and how it works out for you. I know I get temporary relief with my face directly over the mist/steam produced by a small humidifier


      • #4
        or get a hot steam humidifier for every day.

        I wake up and cradle the humidifier in my lap for 5 mins while it shoots the steam in my face. it works really well and rapidly moisturizes my eyes in the morning when they're most dry.


        • #5
          Facial steamer and steam rooms help my eyes
          Sets off my facial rosacea tho

