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  • #31
    Originally posted by deep_dry_eye View Post

    You can get topical Azithromycin compounded, but the delivery vehicle won't be as good.
    My doctor only prescribes azasite for capped glands when he starts people on compress/hygiene regimen. Erythromycin is working great actually, acts as a mechanical barrier during sleep, sits on the eye longer and doesnt burn.

    Its really too soon to get excited but my left eye, the one with double vision...the double vision is gone in two days...and most of it is the night ointment and protection helping the eye. So I cannnot wait to see where I'm at in a month. The doxy didn't upset my stomach at 50mg so I'm very very hopeful. I feel wayyy better not taking restasis too. But again, too soon to tell if it was helping or not but I'm happy I'm not physically putting it in my eye, I hate it lol.

    edit: the erythromycin doesn't burn, but it drains down my nose and throat...super bitter. Not as bad as xiidra, but bitter and unpleasant. Also, deep dry eye is right, the gel of the original azasite is very very nice as far as delivery.
    Last edited by Dowork123; 27-Jul-2018, 10:31.


    • #32
      Here is more evidence that AMT (Prokera) can help MGD:

      Healing the nerves can increase TBUT.


      • #33
        Originally posted by deep_dry_eye View Post
        Here is more evidence that AMT (Prokera) can help MGD:

        Healing the nerves can increase TBUT.
        Oh, I understand that prokera heals the eye. But I can show you a study with the same or better findings using autologous serum. So what's the benefit of prokera over serum? Serum is hypoallergenic, 3 months is cheaper than prokera and it has similar or better effects on nerve regeneration. The study had a few conflicts of interest as well, did you see that?


        • #34
          Originally posted by Dowork123 View Post

          Oh, I understand that prokera heals the eye. But I can show you a study with the same or better findings using autologous serum. So what's the benefit of prokera over serum? Serum is hypoallergenic, 3 months is cheaper than prokera and it has similar or better effects on nerve regeneration. The study had a few conflicts of interest as well, did you see that?
          Yes, conflict. Yes it's not a top rated journal.

          Some patients respond to Prokera who don't respond to autologous -- i.e., AMT worked on patients where AS didn't help.

          This is just another treatment option, I was on autologous for several months and I didn't notice any improvement. I am ~2 months post-op on my Prokera, and I've definitely noticed an improvement. Of course, correlation doesn't imply causation, my improvement may be placeblo, or my other treatments (Xiidra/Restasis) finally kicking in.


          • #35
            Just FYI I read the insert for the erythromycin, it said put a 1cm strip in lower directions from the dr say put a 1mm strip into eye...HUGE difference lol last night I was burning like I read thevdics instructions and there we have it...putting 10x the amount in. Just FYI for anyone out there, listen to your dr lol not the insert.


            • #36
              How do you apply the 1cm erythromycin strip into lower eye? You mean lower eyelid? Do you do this with your finger or a Q-tip? Am impressed with your guys' knowledge of these clinical studies, conflicts of interest, placebos, and other factors to look for. You need a PhD to understand these clinical trials and unfortunately since most people don't have that we have to hope our docs are interpreting it correctly on our behalf.


              • #37
                Originally posted by diydry View Post
                How do you apply the 1cm erythromycin strip into lower eye? You mean lower eyelid? Do you do this with your finger or a Q-tip? Am impressed with your guys' knowledge of these clinical studies, conflicts of interest, placebos, and other factors to look for. You need a PhD to understand these clinical trials and unfortunately since most people don't have that we have to hope our docs are interpreting it correctly on our behalf.
                I clean my hands very very well, spot a strip to my pinky finger, pull lower lid down, and swipe it into the lid. I hope this new path I'm taking is helpful. I know for sure restasis was not helping me and it was most likely hurting me. I notice any drop for MGD like retaine or endura makes my eyes itch. I think restasis was doing this too and I didn't know it. I was constantly pulling my shirt up and using it to scratch my lids cause they itched. That has stopped as soon as I stopped restasis. Again, if this doesn't work out and I have to try it again, I will.


                • #38
                  Have you used Muro 128 ointment for night time Dowork?

                  Last edited by Glucoa; 30-Jul-2018, 17:46.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Glucoa View Post
                    Have you used Muro 128 ointment for night time Dowork?

                    I have not tried that yet...but I'm assuming that may be my next step. Does it work well for you? Any negatives?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Dowork123 View Post

                      I have not tried that yet...but I'm assuming that may be my next step. Does it work well for you? Any negatives?
                      It's an OTC ointment that is recommended by doctors to help prevent corneal abrasions. I've only used it a couple of times. It works well, but I notice it does clog the meibomian glands the next day if I apply too much before sleeping.

                      I'm going to try your pinky smearing tip and see if this works better.


                      • #41
                        Hmm. I started using it recently because i have a mild case of map dot fingerprint dystrophy. The Muro 128 that is. I like it but its jard to clean off in the morning. Anything with white petroleum will be. I used Refresh pm once and its like putting vaseline on your eyes. Muro is much thinner and helps to hydrate the cornea surface with a sodium to draw out water to the surface - to help reduce tearing for map dot.

                        Anyways i like muro but do i thorough cleaning in the morning, then lid cleaning and sometimes i wake up and do warm compress to get it sll out. But not since friday. Haha


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by edmunder View Post
                          Hmm. I started using it recently because i have a mild case of map dot fingerprint dystrophy. The Muro 128 that is. I like it but its jard to clean off in the morning. Anything with white petroleum will be. I used Refresh pm once and its like putting vaseline on your eyes. Muro is much thinner and helps to hydrate the cornea surface with a sodium to draw out water to the surface - to help reduce tearing for map dot.

                          Anyways i like muro but do i thorough cleaning in the morning, then lid cleaning and sometimes i wake up and do warm compress to get it sll out. But not since friday. Haha
                          Does it burn or irritate your eye?


                          • #43
                            When my eyes are really inflamed they might burn a bit with muro. But same with coconut oil or whatever. It doesnt feel uncomfortable for very long


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by edmunder View Post
                              When my eyes are really inflamed they might burn a bit with muro. But same with coconut oil or whatever. It doesnt feel uncomfortable for very long
                              Thanks, I hope that eye heals up soon. So sorry that happened to you.

