Originally posted by deep_dry_eye
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Its really too soon to get excited but my left eye, the one with double vision...the double vision is gone in two days...and most of it is the night ointment and protection helping the eye. So I cannnot wait to see where I'm at in a month. The doxy didn't upset my stomach at 50mg so I'm very very hopeful. I feel wayyy better not taking restasis too. But again, too soon to tell if it was helping or not but I'm happy I'm not physically putting it in my eye, I hate it lol.
edit: the erythromycin doesn't burn, but it drains down my nose and throat...super bitter. Not as bad as xiidra, but bitter and unpleasant. Also, deep dry eye is right, the gel of the original azasite is very very nice as far as delivery.