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Morning redness

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  • #31
    My eyes are incredibly read upon waking no matter what I use at night and I've pretty much tried everything. I too would love to know why, after being closed all night, they are so red first thing.


    • #32
      The redness is from dryness. I haven't posted on here in awhile becausey doctor prescribed a dry eye drop called gum cellulose and it's incredible. I no longer have red irritated eyes. It's the best thing I've ever used and i have a lifetime prescription of it. It truly saved me from all the misery


      • #33
        i tried also almost everything...and it doesn,t eyes are not so red when i don,t put anything inside...but they are so dry i cannot bear more than a day without tear drops.....i have also great troubles with Restasis, burns & stings a lot and make my eyes even red... have you confronted that? and it also give me bitter taste and burning inside my nose... i never heard of gum cellulose eye drops,but if they are made with methyl cellulose they don,t work for me,i,m allergic to this substance....i wished somebody could discover the perfect artificial tear...


        • #34
          They are red because of the stuff you used in the evening...i,ve noticed my eyes are worst,red and irritated and even more drier after using ointments or gels for the night...they are fine for the moment,i can get asleep,but in the morning it,s tragedy...the only eye drops who were less bad were the autolougous serum drops ...but even those can cause problems ( for me,anyway...they stuff my nose...i have an allergic rhinitis and a dry nose too due to Sogren and everytning i use for my eyes hwrms it...)


          • #35
            No drops. No gels. Warm compress and eyelid massage before bed. The drops are a slippery slope. I have been going through this since 2008.

            As soon as you get home, put on the moisture chambers. It will be bad for awhile, but avoid the drops is my recommendation, as they seem to upset a lot of folks' tear balance, based on what I have read on this forum. There is a weaning period, and I think I managed it with a low-dose steroid drop, like Lotemax, but I did not use it every day.


            • #36
              ...Thank you...i ordered a pair of moisture chambers..they will arrive i have to put something / water? on them before using ? or i just put them on my eyes? but what to do with the pain and burning? how can i ease that?and blurred vision too,which drives me crazy... it,s like i have cayenne pepper in my eyes and nose too...for the nose i use isotonic saline...sometimes i use it in my eyes too to wash the other drops...maybe i need some cortisone drops? but we don,t have here preservative free...even with eyes closed the pain & grittiness is eye doctors seem not to understand what i,m going autolougous serum drops are the only ones better tolerwtd,but they become like glue inside my nose and bive me great problems( stuffed swollen nasal passages...) sometimes i wish i never wake up in the morning...i dan,t have any social life anymore,i can,t go out ,the sun light/ wind/ dust/ pollens makes me even worst...

