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Scleral lens and convergence insufficieny

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  • Scleral lens and convergence insufficieny

    Hey all,

    This is a very random one that sort of relates to dry eye....wondering if rings a bell with anyone. I've got medium-ish MGD; mornings are usually ok but by early afternoon they are burning. Xiidra seems to help a bit, as does heat compress. That's step one. Step two is where it gets weird. I was fitted for scleral lenses to relieve the MGD symptoms and they work marvelously. When the sclerals are in, I forget I have dry eye. My vision is 20/20 and the lenses' fit is A+. After 1-4 hours of the lenses being in (it varies), I begin to get really strained muscles in my temples and then headaches. As soon as I take the sclerals out, the issue goes away. Problem is the dry eye returns.

    I brought this up to my ophthalmologist and she kind of shrugged. Did some testing and said I have mild convergence insufficiency. Does it make sense to anyone that I would only have CI symptoms with a specific pair of sclerals in? When I'm wearing my prescription glasses or sunglasses, I have no issues. I've tried prism glasses over the sclerals with no luck. Something doesn't add up.

    Anyone have any ideas or heard of this?

  • #2
    Hi there!

    I feel like there have been quite a few people over the years who've reported things like this in the FB scleral group (which is, unfortunately, almost impossible to search). I have experienced things like this before myself though not persistently.

    Do you have your over-refraction data for each eye individually? Is there any chance you are over-corrected? or have a little too much anisometropia? some of us are more sensitive to it than others. - I have been through a couple of stretches (reasons unknown) where some kind of vision fluctuation made it really difficult to tolerate sclerals for long. Elusive kind of problem.
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation

