In December I had a virulent form of pink eye requiring a week of antibiotic drops. In January I had a corneal abrasion. The doctor told me to use the antibiotics again for 5 days. Early February I had mild symptoms of pink eye and it was another 5 days on antibiotics. I was nearly back to wearing my gas permeable contacts full time when inflammation and dry eye hit with a vengeance. I was assured that 9 days on steroid drops would be very helpful. After 9 days, my inflammation was double and the dry eye was excruciating. That was this last Monday and while the inflammation is now about 50% better, the dry eye is awful. I am using Gen Tel gel, Soothe drops, Refresh Plus, and Refresh Endura. At times I am putting in stuff every 3-10 minutes. At other times I can go an hour. I put in the gel at bed again just as a matter of course. Anyone know what is ahead? The doctor assures me we will get this under control and he said "probably within weeks and not as long as months". Restasis may be in my future. The diagnosis is medication damage. Any do's or don'ts? I tried the fish oil but it made my acid reflux worse. I have a humidifier in my office and in 2 rooms of my house. I am staying away from space heaters and forced air, but my workplace is under florescent lights and has circulated air with no vents to the outside so the air is very dry.
Anything you think I need to know?
Anything you think I need to know?