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How fake is barack obama?

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  • How fake is barack obama?


    Anyway...back to dry eyes..

    I have totally neglected my eyes for about 3 months on purpose...

    perhaps this is because...for 4 months before this.. i was 100% vigilant and I heated and massaged and took oil and I did everything for my eyes known to man and animal.

    However 12 hours on a plane and i was in real pain for 7 days and this made me give up totally.

    I concluded that its all a lot of rubbish... [edited]

    Last edited by Rebecca Petris; 24-Jul-2008, 14:14. Reason: politics

  • #2
    Sorry you're feelin' rough, and sorry the American election process is contributing to it!

    But, after 3 months of doing "nothing" for your eyes, are you better, or worse, or just the same?

    (uh....sorry....I would rather not be talking about politics here at Dry Eye Talk.)


    • #3
      The same

      there is no treatment for dry eyes. I have 15 years experience.


      ps no one cares about the US election...but i just felt political today
      Last edited by Rebecca Petris; 24-Jul-2008, 14:13. Reason: Politics.


      • #4
        I'm very sorry you're feeling down. All the same: No politics here, please. Period. (Full stop.)
        Rebecca Petris
        The Dry Eye Foundation


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rebecca Petris View Post
          I'm very sorry you're feeling down. All the same: No politics here, please. Period. (Full stop.)
          Im feeling great.

          I agree no politics...but McCain vs Barack? what is an intelligent american to do?


          • #6

            I usually handle this stuff privately but not today.

            You can apologize to Dr. Latkany for your excessively rude post to him (which obviously will not make it through the moderation queue - but he receives them before they are reviewed anyway), or you can be suspended from the bulletin board. There is simply no excuse for that kind of behaviour. You know what our standards are here.
            Rebecca Petris
            The Dry Eye Foundation


            • #7
              ok rebecca.. i believe in you.

              but get real

              can you tell me one person with dry eyes who has improved since you started this site?

              if not...please no rude responses to me!


              • #8
                and with regards to Dr Latkany...

                his book was less than useless..

                and i can name you others who think his consultations are worse


                • #9
                  You've got a 7-day time out, starting now. How about you go calm down or sober up or whatever it is you need to do. If you think you can participate according to our forum rules, I'll think about reinstating you after the 7 days.

                  As for people who have gotten better - there are FAR too many for me to identify or even begin to remember. But here's a good place to start:

                  Our Dry Eye Triumphs forum
                  Rebecca Petris
                  The Dry Eye Foundation


                  • #10

                    I don't know if taking fish oils/a healthy lifestyle helps...but I know its good for my body.

                    I don't know if my eyes will ever be as good as they were before Lasik...but i'm going to keep trying.

                    I don't know if what works for me will work for someone else...but that doesn't make what I'm doing rubbish.

                    I am thankful that there are poeple out there trying to help those suffereing with "dry eye" makes me feel there is hope.

                    And after saying all that I am stepping way back from this thread.



                    • #11
                      Count me as one.

                      Originally posted by Rory View Post
                      can you tell me one person with dry eyes who has improved since you started this site?
                      I am one!

                      1. RCE's: Stopped;
                      2. Gritty feeling: Reduced by 90% and limited to only certain times of strain and bad conditions;
                      3. Scabby feeling in eye: Healed & gone;
                      4. Burning & Stinging: Reduced to mornings, long drives, & long hours of computing, like "normal" people without "dry eye syndrome";
                      5. Vision problems: Gone, except for basic nearsightedness.

                      That is not to mention all of the tips and tricks and products that I have gotten here that have improved my health overall-- looking into my thyroid problems, vitamin deficiencies, and sleeping patterns, just to name some. I am very grateful to all of the people who put their thoughts and experiences up here for the rest of us to learn from. When I have questions about my health in general, this is where I go.



                      • #12
                        the formula is simple rly
                        Which is it? Is it what you know or who you know? Or is it how well you convey what you know to who you know it to?



                        • #13
                          Rory, here is one. My eyes were moderate to severe in January. I am now very, very mild with about 2-3 days a week where I almost don't think about it. I used no drops today or yesterday. I have not needed night gel for several weeks. Latkany's eye spa has made a very big difference for me.

                          What has worked for me:

                          Flaxseed oil. Not only does it help my eyes and I can tell a difference if I miss it 2 days in a row, but my 52 year old skin and hair are oily and glowing again. It also helps my acid reflux.

                          Eye Spa: after 3 months I began to get the oil blur. For 3 months the hot comrpesses helped but no oil. Now I get the heat and the blur and am totally addicted. I actually obsess about being in a place where I would not be able to to do this.

                          Plugs: 2 lower, one upper. Helped a lot. No problems and I cannot feel them.

                          Humidifiers: If I don't have one on in my office I cannot stand it. With it on, I am much more comfortable.

                          Drinking plenty of water: Can't hurt and makes sense in many ways.

                          Eating healthy: Can't hurt.

                          Exercise: Thanks to improved eyes I am back to running. Running makes glands work better, improves mental health and increases immune system.

                          Synergeyes: Can anyone call their contacts heaven when they have DES? I can. I can wear them every waking moment with no discomfort.

                          My doctor says all these things in combo have done the trick. He told me this was possible with vigilance and perseverence and commitment. I believed him and now 7 months later, DES is but a mild and rare discomfort. I have my life back. I was depressed, anxious, miserable, had to miss some work, could not enjoy life. I stuck with it and here I am. Yes, it is possible.


                          • #14
                            I get angry and frustrated too, but at all the normal people who just don't get it. Or the people (including friends and family) who think I'm some sort of hypochondriac, making up an eye problem.

                            I guess I just wanted to say that while Rory was being very rude and that her responses were a little uncalled for, I think we all can relate to the frustration that comes in w/ dry eye. And sometimes, we just lose it a little bit.

                            A punching bag works wonders...and an added bonus is that it makes my eyes feel better when I'm using it.


                            • #15
                              Yes totally agree with Mary Kate - people with normal eyes just don't understand. We do lose it at times and get totally frustrated and think 'why me' and 'why did i have the misfortune to develop this problem'.

                              Of course we try NOT to think that it may not get better but we just HAVE to have hope or else we would just die inside.

