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How fake is barack obama?

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  • #16
    Rory, u are extremely frustrated u!.. well, for what I can see, you'd been doing a rather small time here to even criticize rebecca or this site.
    but i kno dat u'd been experiencing dry eye for toooo lonng...

    Well I am here for about 2/1/2 year I fink , but I am still a Dry eye sufferer. But yet, I acknowledge that without this site and all the useful information we have and people share here, I will never been able to fight my way to the top.

    I am 21 an I can say that my life is nearly ok now.... but only the dryness,mucus and redness which is a pain in the a*ss, but yet, EVERYDAY I connect to this site , by hoping to find a post which may change everything in my life!....

    We all have bad days, just like good days.. some bad days are more often than good days, but yet, sometimes u just keep hoping that u'd get more good days... just by trying trying trying...

    D.Latkany's book is quite good, I knew some thing I knew before and learned some few things too... But I know if I have got this book 3years ago, maybe I would be a completely different person now...
    There's lots of cured D.E, and maybe some days we'll be one of em, and we'll be in the DRY EYE TRIUMP forum..
    If I have to choose between being happy and sad, I''ll choose being happy....... and you?... so.... stop choosing being unhappy (yeah its hard but....)....stop depressing........ live!!!


    • #17

      I am going to be completely honest in this post and I really hope it doesn't get me into trouble. I don't mean offense to anyone but wanted to open up.

      I am a patient of Dr.L's and I can say I really haven't improved much but I have SJogrens so I can't blame anyone other than the disease itself. It is frustrating and hard and I have only done it for a yr let only 15 yrs like Rory so I can imagine the pain she/he faces. I am often hopeless and mad at the world.

      It got so bad that I tried killing myself. I know it is stupid and please I am not advising this to anyone as something to do. It obviously didn't work as I am still here. But not only did I receive calls from Rebecca but I received like 20 + calls from Dr. L himself during his office hrs and personal hrs. He spoke to my parents and wanted to speak to my therapists. He made himself completely available to me. He wanted daily checkins to see how I was doing. He didn't act like I was nuts as I imagine some doctors would. Instead he was compassionate and understanding and just cared about my well being. As for Rebecca she called the BFS and spoke to my parents at length about the impact of dry eye. She was the first person to get my mom to realize that no matter how my eyes looked I could be in pain. And everytime I see Dr. Latanky he offers something new for me to try. His optimism gives me hope that one day I will not have dry eye.

      So while it is ok and totally normal to get discouraged and upset we have to retain hope and remember that these people (are doctors) are here to help us. And especially Dr. L and Rebecca who really do care as illustrated by above.

      If life is a bowl of cherries, then why I am I stuck in the pits!


      • #18
        Must be nice to have all that support. My sister (like a mom to me) thinks I am making the whole dry eye thing up lol. My dad believes me though, I mean **** I have medical records galore.
        Which is it? Is it what you know or who you know? Or is it how well you convey what you know to who you know it to?



        • #19
          I can't believe Rebecca has had the forebearance to let you remain as a poster. Forthright views are always welcome but sheer rudeness and bad manners are simply the symptoms of an immature and obnoxious personality. I do hope that you are an American living in London because I would hate you to be English with that sort of attitude and behaviour.

          This site has helped me beyond words to the point where I am back to 90% back to normal.

          As for your views on Americal politics; who cares what you think?
          As they used to say in the army : if you dont like it find another foxhole!


          • #20

            That was a very honest and open post.

            I'm sorry that this has been so hard on you. I read you are in the process of being fitted with lens...I hope that these work for you and you find the relief you deserve.



            • #21
              I absolutely agree with Hangus
              Rory - get off this site and give us all peace !
              We have enough to contend with without your rude and negative attitude putting up our blood pressures
              I f you cant say anything constructive we dont want your views either on DE or on Amirican politics


              • #22
                Kim, thank you for sharing what these caring people have done for you. Dr. Latkany's book gave me information, hope, and focus. I took it to my doctor who had not read it and he is going to read it and use it with patients. Doctor Latkany responded to my question and helped me get the Eye Spa thing right.

                I do understand Rory's desperation and pain, although it is not an excuse to be rude. I do feel for someone suffering that much. My road has not been a long or as severe as Rory's and I can only imagine the distress. I had times where all I could do was curl up into a fetal position and pray for relief.

                Rory, you are in my prayers and Rebecca and Dr. L, may God bless you.


                • #23
                  Well, yes and no.

                  I can actually side a little bit w/ Rory on this one... I have also had Chronic Dry eye for about 16 or so years now... through High School, College, Medical School... It seems at times like there is no hope. My wife was so tired of hearing about my constant and greuling pain that she left me for a while! This "Disease" feels like it has affected every aspect of my life, and I know that I am not the person I would be if it weren't for this wonderful curse. I recently traveled to Germany for a vacation, and also experienced the living hell Rory was talking about... airplanes are the absolute worse thing for someone w/ dry eye! I can feel your frustration, and also understand Kim's frustration about wanting to kill yourself. Many times I have entertained the thought... a way to escape from the ongoing never-ceasing pain. My sister, who has had a double lung transplant due to a rare disease even feels better than I do most days... She tells me that maybe I need to get on some anti-depressants or something... but why??? I am not depressed! I am just tired of fighting this constant uphill pain battle- wondering if my eyes will function the next day or not... drudging through hours of clinics and classes just looking forward to the moment I can come home and put in the wonderful PM Gel that makes my eyes feel better... so I can avoid the real world, and just be a hermit in the evening. I feel you all, and I don't know what Rory's comments were towards a so-called Dr. L., but come on... cut this man some slack... can't you see it is a cry for help, and he is on the edge of the bridge looking down... just giving up... like I have been many times. Best thing to do for yourself sometimes is vent, and that is exactly what I need to do right now, so sorry everyone!


                  • #24
                    PMS, I do feel for Rory, just as I feel for you in what you're going through. That is why I started this website.

                    But it's unrealistic to say just let everybody vent without any limits. This is a public forum. If I let everyone sound off in whatever way they want and towards whomever they want on this board, the board will either stop existing or cease to be useful. Among other things, we cannot have help, cooperation or respect from doctors if we do not treat them with some decency.

                    As regards depression: Personally I don't think of this as an emotional state. You can suffer from clinical depression without "feeling depressed". Unremitting pain can, and probably usually does, cause it. Treatment really can be helpful.
                    Rebecca Petris
                    The Dry Eye Foundation


                    • #25
                      The objections to the original post were: bringing political opinions onto the site....I cringe when I read this thread's title. The angry words---I don't remember what Rory said, but I remember thinking that it went beyond venting---it got personal. That emotion makes it hard to get support from the forum here; it shuts people out of the dialogue.

                      But I sympathize and understand what it's like living with dry eye, and how hard it is to feel hope sometimes.

                      Are you using the PM "ointment" or the gel? A friend of mine with severe dry eyes depends on the petrolatum ointment to get through the night---and I'm always encouraging her to gradually switch to the gel. From what I've read, the greasy ointments do little to help improve the tear layer (but neither do they do permanent harm). Just wondering which one you use.



                      • #26
                        I Am Waaay Better!!

                        I for one am way better than I was in my early days with DES. True, I am a lasik patient so natural healing I am sure had some to do with it. But mostly I am better because I have learned soooo many helpful tips from this website. And this site has made all the difference in my mental state. Just knowing you are not alone can have a huge therapeutic effect. From this site I learned about and asked for punctal plugs, the correct drops to use, humidifiers, hot compresses, nutrional supplements, moisture chamber goggles, all the things that have helped me recover and cope. I learned almost "bub-kiss" from the 3 doctors I have seen. I taught them a thing or two.
                        Doctor L's book is on my bedside table. I refer to it often when I need instruction on something. Every time I have asked him a question he has always offered me hope and I really appreciate that.
                        I feel so bad that someone would hurt so much that they would need to lash out or consider taking their own life. I must admit in my very early days post lasik I thought, "Why go on if my life will be a living hell." Thankfully, things did improve thanks to this awesome site.
                        Thank you Rebecca for all you do! You are sooo appreciated!


                        • #27
                          Reading about this is so sad. I know we are not in tens of thousands in number but can't some doctor solve some of these problems?

                          Where are researchers on this? If they can figure out how to design a machine to shave cornea flap and then burn it with laser to correct vision and for vanity---then can't they come up with some method or surgical machine to correct the dry eyes?

                          I think FDA should mandate for any complications of lasik surgery, the companies who make lasik surgery machine has to provide antidote surgery or machine to correct the problems it causes. I think it is only fair. Maybe that will make those companies to do more reserach in dry eye field.

                          I guess I feel frustrated and drained as I realize that even the most reputable doctors really know just basic rudimentary mechanism of how eyes really work for dry eyes. We all know about all the treatments out there. We tried almost all therapy. What makes it better is just healing process which is infinitely small microatomic mm per month.

                          I read earlier post about organizing as a group to lobby the government makes much sense to me. I think if we can lobby government to provide research fund for dry eyes from lasik, then it will lead to more resarch about all forms of dry eyes.

                          Does anyone know how much was funded by govt for dry eye research versus other eye diseases like mac degeneration, cataracts last year? I would guess probably 1 to 10000.

