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Eye redness 24/7 -tried everything..advice?

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  • #16
    Alphagan P seems to make my eyes very white, however it does irritate them slightly and it may also make the red eye worse in the long wrong. Not sure about this stuff as I've only used it a few times.


    • #17
      I had a question about drops....

      In early Oct 08 after a recent move into our home we brought over all of the things out our medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Unfortunatly for me they were allergy drops that were over 6 years old. It was late and I may have used them instead of the new ones I had purchased. Well I then flushed it under the tub faucet. The next day the left eye was red, then it became itchy, then the burning. It burned for a few secs after I flushed it. Can expired allergy drops that I later saw had black spots on the outer part cause this effect. I must have been to 5-6 eye doctors and been on every drop known to man. The really harsh ones were the gel drops. Made me eye look and feel awful. It sent me into much anxiety and depression. I hated the way it feels and looks. The last Doctor finally did the test for tears. He said neither eye makes a lot of tears. I did restasis and Doxy for about 2-3 months. I've been off both now for almost a month. It still feels and looks bad at times, but funny how its not as bad right now. Sometimes not fooling with it as much helps. It has changed me. I don't like to look at myself in the mirror. I'm only 42 and it has affected my life. I'm not social because of it. PLEASE take care of you reyes you only get one set. I feel that I messed up badly or maybe it was from all the stress I had been under, but it stinks...Any advice on the drops or anything would be greatly appreciated. I hate what this did to me.


      • #18
        I know what it's like to be not social. And I'm worried that I did this to myself and my eyes will be like this forever and I'm only 21. The best thing that has helped me is that I started using pataday once a day, which helped me get off those bad red relievers, and then I stoped using pataday and just use the preservative free lubricant drops. I agree with you, I feel what has helped me the most is just not fooling around with my eyes and putting things in them. I try to only use the preservative free drops when I have to. Ever since I stopped using those red drops, my eyes have gotten a little better. While my eyes are red throughout the day, theyre not aweful, and they don't hurt as much. I jsut hope with time things will get better. Just surround yourself with people who love you for you, I think that's really helped me.


        • #19


          Have you though about IPL? I just had my first treatment and like you my eyes had been consistently red for 2 years. I also have MGD & rosacea but it may be worth a consultation if you have exhausted others.

          I have been in and out of dr.'s offices for 2 years now and I am hoping that the IPL treatments work for me. (try a search for IPL here)

