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Plugs for severe DES
I've plugged my lowers today. The caps are not bothering me much, maybe because I've used contacts for many years at a time when they were not as advanced as they are today. Hope the plugs will help me with my severe DES. I will also start with Restasis. Will be posting how things go from here.
Rebecca's Make Sense helped my DES, bleph, roscea
I hesitated to post this because I do not want to appear that I am shilling for any company. A couple of years ago I posted that Mimyx cream, recommended by my dermatologist, not my ophthalmologist, had helped my eyes tremendously. Then it was replaced by a generic cream Prumyx, and Mimyx was not...
Macular Degeneration Surgery Scheduled - am struggling
I know that this is off-topic, but I am struggling to keep on even keel, to say I am overwhelmed is an understatement. I have beginning macular degeneration in my R eye, my "good" eye, as far as DES goes. I have EBMD, MGD in that eye, but up to this point have only had abrasions, not erosions...
EBMD, and blank spots in central vision
HI all,
I posted this in my blog, but it really needs to be here to be seen by those of us who have EBMD as well as other eye conditions. I began to have 'blank spots' in the central vision of my right eye (my 'better' eye) 6-8 mos. ago. When I first attempt to focus on something, I initially...
Existing dry eye exacerbated by neurosurgery
Up until August 2010, I had mild/moderate dry eye, most likely due to my age, 59, which rarely was uncomfortable enough to use eye drops. Then I had neurosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia, TN, in efforts to block pain from one branch so I could get essential dental work done. I'll spare you the sordid...
Hello all -- I know that this is not the best topic for this site, but is a lawsuit for my Lasik-induced dry eye reasonable? I do believe a was contraindicated (not a good candidate) for this procedure, due to contact lens intolerance. -- I do have an attorney willing to get my medical records and...