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Made-up , and Out of the Closet

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  • #76
    Skygoddess, before I had the fry eye I had allergy eyes also ad I used nothing but Almay and Mary Kay. But, i have to agree with Lucy, I don't know how anyone with DES can tolerate the eye make up with always using the eyes drops? I also must be missing something? I can wear face cream, foundation, blush and lipstick But I put nothing near my eyes. And I only wear that make up to work. I don't need any added pain and I have to wear my padded/tinted glasses 24/7 so no one can se my eyes anyways. I am in agreement with Lucy that wearing of the make up is the least of my worries. Good luck make up addicts! lol


    • #77

      I agree with you to a point.

      Make up certainly isn't at the forefront of my thoughts but when this whole eye business gets me down, I can lose all interest in my appearance. Outwardly, this can signify loss of interest in living or `letting go' and I have to regularly keep myself in check although my daughters can be counted on to remind me.

      For me, it's a good sign that I even want to wear eye make up - whether or not it's possible is a different matter.

      I really don't want to: go gentle into that good night'. I want to rage against it - so I still buy myself nice mascaras even if they don't get used very often.


      • #78

        Leave it to the kid's to help! good luck with the make up I hope someday I can shed these google glasses and go for the made up look.


        • #79
          Hi there

          I've never been a make-up devotee but it's about having the option as much as anything else.

          I don't think my husband (bless him) would even notice even if I decorated my face like a Goth.

          However, a little bit of artificial assistance here & there can give a woman a boost and make a big difference to her if she's having a `down day'.

          We'll get there yet!


          • #80
            I'm curious, Sabrina, as to how your eyes are with the permanent eyeliner at this point?

