I have blepharitis, and I wear make-up.
Yes , I know all the bad effects, and my love of the stuff probably is at least part of the reason I am on this web site, but when my Dr. told me he would prefer me not to wear makeup, I asked him "Since when , did you start smoking crack?"
So my question to all the other makeup addicts, is what brands ( if any )have you found that you can tolerate? I don't know which has cost me more money, all the eye drops and Dr. visits, or all the make-up I buy , only to react badly and have to toss it.
Are there any you can recommend I try , or should avoid at all cost? Any ingredients to be watched out for?
I find I can tolerate Physcians formula, magic cube concealer,
shade -light , oddly, no other shade. And for foundation The Body Shop, ultra smooth foundation. Not much I am afraid, out of the many I have tried.