So I'm 9 months post-LASIK and have both my lowers plugged. For a month after getting them plugged, I was almost asymptomatic. The pain was reduced significantly. Now, my the pain in my right eye has come back, although not as severe as pre-plugs. My theory is that my tear production decreased after plugs in a negative feedback loop.
I'm wondering if I should get my right upper cauterized. Will this only help temporarily? Will my tear production decrease again with both puncta blocked? Please let me know if you've had similar experiences. I've also heard that having both puncta plugged will increase inflammation of the eyeball.
I'm wondering if I should get my right upper cauterized. Will this only help temporarily? Will my tear production decrease again with both puncta blocked? Please let me know if you've had similar experiences. I've also heard that having both puncta plugged will increase inflammation of the eyeball.