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i just cannot stand this anymore.... :(

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  • #46
    all my problems were caused by a poor hygiene of monthly contact lenses
    Is this what the expert Ophthalmologists are saying? is there any chance you had an infection, or was it overwear syndrome? I think we're not quite clear what contact lenses did to your eyes. Do you think your eye surface is changed to the point where it might be harmful to wear any contact lenses and that this should be the focus of healing? Why have they given you contact lenses again when your eyes were harmed by contact lenses? Would your normal prescription glasses protect you enough with frequent lubricant drops for the week, as you did on holiday? Are you OK with wearing glasses in school and are you sure this isn't about wanting contacts again? It's very very normal and makes us look extra smart and clever, and you had a great time on holiday in your everyday glasses.

    Personally I wouldn't wear contact lenses using any prescription eyedrops like anti-inflammatories, especially if the lenses hold fluids onto the eye surface.

    Very best wishes for your comfort at school, Nicolas. We all hope your eyes get better soon and you can find the best way forward with this.
    Last edited by littlemermaid; 26-Aug-2013, 02:40.
    Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


    • #47
      about lenses yes it was because of poor hygiene AND overwear syndrome ( at that time my prescription glasse were ugly so i was always in lenses) + a few parties when i fall asleep with lense + some allergy problem + the fact that it was MONTHLY contact lenses.
      And about my prescription glasees, i love them (its beautiful Rayban) yes but too much Wind for me (TBUT of 5 secs) and Vismed drops don't help me.
      by the way i had a great time in Holiday yes but i had to "create my own WILEX" with adhesive ect otherwise i was not able to go out ( i will put a picture if i have one ).
      so right now i have not put the lenses yet and i have to think about it.
      And thanks for the support, i need this, school will be pretty hard from every stoodpoint.
      Need a miracle during this week lol ( i m getting high dose of omega-3 and will check about those new Omega 3 eye drops)


      • #48
        ok guys, im really really bad. My eyes are misérables:red, dry, burning and just awful when im outdoor. its been like 6 months that im doing Blephasteam twice a day (never miss one time), same for doxy 100mg, 2.5 months on omega 3 high dosage, + vismed eye drops. I don't have ANY improvement, in fact my eyes are worses. ITs been one month that im on anti inflammatory drop + anti allergy drops and NOTHING.
        Anyway, just very very fed up of life, im 20 and can't do anything because of my eyes, 1 year that my social life is totally destroyed, that i have not been happy and in 3 days i will be back at school and the nightmare will comeback (will be alone, my eyes will be awful, of course drops won't do anything, would be confronted to the frustration of seeing normal Young people of my age having fun and a normal life while i would be mierable, would have to run to my house as soon as school is over because of the Wind/air, i went trhough that hell last year and i had made the promise that it won't be the same, but guess my eyes are just over, nothing seems to work ( i tried a LOT of stuff)).
        so i don't know what to do, i don't have any hope in sight, i don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, nothing.
        so im very very depressed now, very very anxious, i don't know if its over for me lol, will decide about it during the night , right now im just able of doing anything....
        of course my mom is here for me, she is a huge support since the beginning but what can she do, i'm at a loss, we tried pretty much everything and she know that i have reach my limit of suffering since a while.
        i would not have thing that life could be so awful when you just got an "eye problem"...


        • #49
          Hello Nicolas,

          From your posts, I can tell that you are a very special young man. I'm so sorry this is happening to you (and all of us).

          I am not a doctor, but I'm going to suggest that you try the opposite of what you're presently doing... try cool compresses and no drops except preservative-free saline.

          I've been where you are now... doing the multitude of things that doctors are telling you to do. But it could be that one or more of the things you're doing right now is making you worse. To try to figure this out, it's best to stop as much as you can and perhaps try the opposite.

          Also, as you know, protective glasses/goggles help... even if you only wear them at home (or sunglass-type outside).

          Bon chance,


          • #50
            Hi Nicolas,

            Yes, I think Sheila is right that your poor eyes are suffering from too many eyedrops, too many chemicals, too many reactions. I can understand a steroid and lubricants but why anti-allergy as well when you have contact lens damage? It's as if they don't appreciate the aetiology - do they know the whole story? But we are not docs. If it was me, I would see Serge Doan or someone you like, as an emergency, for a re-think on treatment. For us, it has been about working together regularly with kind docs, and they expect us to re-present if there are problems with the treatment, like this. It's important to see the same ophthalmologists if you can, otherwise random prescriptions make things worse. Phone ahead to check that the Ophthalmologist you like is available in the clinic that day. Contact lens damage may not be a quick fix but you need to be on the path to healing and recovery. It's not that eyedrops are healing, like a salve, it's that they are supposed to be used to give the opportunity for the eye to recover itself. Also an eye doc attentive to the history of the disorder is so important, so treatment recommendations are not just based on what can be seen or measured.

            Yes, we stop the warm compress when my daughter's eyes are inflamed and use cool, because the problem is now the inflammation more than keeping the meibomian glands open. Sometimes we too minimise eyedrops to allow the eyes to recover until they get bad again and we have to fix something. It's about gently creating an environment so the eye surface can heal itself, with more good than harm.

            About the social life and studying, it's about doing what you can but looking after your health, and we seek out lifestyle we can enjoy, like your holiday. Spoon theory may/may not help you, but it does explain what it can be like sometimes, eg my d was 'camping' this weekend but had to come home at night for eye and skin treatment plus she is on an intolerance diet. It's actually not that unusual in the age group to be managing health, indeed we discover that no one is 'normal'. All possible but this leads you to the compassionate and intelligent friends. Building this maturity and strength can give you more than it takes away even if doesn't seem like it right now. As Sheila says, from your posts you obviously are a self-starter and have tremendous capacity for doing well with this, working out what makes your eyes better/worse.

            Tell your poor mother, she must be so worried about you, that we have seen many, many doctors but it's been good to find a consultant and hospital team we like, who we think understands the condition and has good experience with treatment, and see them regularly for new ideas. Medical treatment for this is improving but it's been the sympathetic approach that mattered. On behalf of the mothers, these are difficult times for you children, but please accept and offer mutual support and consideration to your mothers too and we will help each other through this and any other problems we share.

            How are you feeling today?
            Last edited by littlemermaid; 01-Sep-2013, 05:29.
            Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


            • #51
              thx i have think about what you both said: first of all i will try to only do artificxial tears (préservatives free of course) + cold compress. i stop the anti inflammator drop and the anti allergy drops since they do nothing for me and its been 1 month that i use them.
              don't know if i should continue Blephasteam, maybe it contribute to the inflmmation?? will try compress in the shower.

              just a quick question: how do you do a cold compress???, i tried the rice baggy=>doesn't work its not cold its just fresh.

              maybe i got an ocular rosacea?? because my eyes are pretty red and 4 months of Blephasteam did not change anything and i think worsen my eyes...

              my parents want me to try lipiflow so we will see for an appointment and i think it will be good for me.

              about school, i think about working at home during the year till my eyes are fine, because im very very very anxious about school because i know it will be hell for me.

              ABout Serge Doan lol that dude was so in a hurry last time with me, he was pissed of because my letter of recommendation was not from an opthalmologist but from an physician (it is the good word lol ?) he did not really pay attention to me and i think was inetesrested in my case.

              i have a last opthalomologist in "stock" recommended by my local ophtalmologist who did not know what to do with me so i will call his office tomoroow for an appointment.

              thx for the support and i won't do anything bad bevause i see how my mother is affected by what im going trough.

              and will try homeopathy (last resort)^^


              • #52
                okay for cold compress i tried green tea bag in the freezer.
                for blephasteam i will continue because after 1 day of not doing it my eyes are definitely more crusty and dry.

                good news at last: appointment for Lipiview the 13 Septembrer then if im okay for Lipiflow appointment the 17 september.

                they told me to not use any eye drop 24h before lipiview (lol will be hard^^)


                • #53
                  That's good you are working on the problems and thinking so carefully about healing your eyes. If you find your tea bags are too cold, we just use a flannel or small towel or cloth soaked in cold tap water. No one knows what rosacea is yet, but in the case of the eyes we are treating it as a hypersensitivity or type IV allergy and just being very gentle with treatment. I imagine your poor eye surfaces are changed by contact lenses but the cornea can restore fast in good conditions. I guess your wraparounds arrive soon so that will help you x
                  Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


                  • #54
                    will try flannel too^^. By the way, just cameback from the homeopathist, the appointment lasted 45 mn, she asked me about my symptoms ( very precisely), my general state ect then she prescribed me some pills + some vitamins to try this week. It looked that she was pretty confident about her making me better, so finger crossed. Tomorrox is the come-back to school, don't know yet how i will handle that, will think about it :s


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by nicolasdu92130 View Post
                      good news at last: appointment for Lipiview the 13 Septembrer then if im okay for Lipiflow appointment the 17 september.
                      In addition to lipiview ask for an evaluation of your meibomian glands and specifically ask if they are blocked with fibrous tissue.


                      • #56
                        okay so i told the director of the school i will comeback when i got my wraparoud glasses (within 10-15 days) because otherwise would be impossible for me to do anything. So i got 10-15 days to work at home, to be in a better shape (eyewise) and hope homeopathic treatments will work by then.

                        about lipiview, pretty sure that i will be a candidate for lipiflow, because with a BUT of 5 i don't see how MGs could be perfecvtly fines^^.
                        guess there is some hope for me right now lol


                        • #57
                          Nicholas, have you still got punctual plugs?
                          Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


                          • #58
                            yep (only lower) and bad experience lol: that doc put them wrong, they were scratching against my eyeball everytime i was looking at left/right and they did not help at all.
                            but im not aqueous deficient so it makes sense right?


                            • #59
                              I don't know, Nicolas ~ it's about finding what works for your eyes personally. I would think the worst problem is the eye surface changes. We tried punctal plugs just on the lowers and they worked great on improving the tear film, but we are dealing with infected MGs from skin problems so the inflammatory enzymes pooled up and affected the eye surface adversely.

                              Have you had a good assessment of the quality of meibom and how many MGs are working, as NotADryEye says? We are on a really healthy diet (both of us), mainly cutting wheat and all sugars (including fruit juice) and bad fats, and that is helping. Are you eating OK? It's difficult to look after that when we are not well. Vegetable soup with beans for lunch today, for example.
                              Last edited by littlemermaid; 04-Sep-2013, 04:43.
                              Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


                              • #60
                                About my MG , one eyedoc said that my glands were blocked with toothpast-like oïl, another said that i have mild-blepharitis, but no, nothing precise.

                                im eating ok i think, it has been like 1 year that i have not drunk sodas,eaten sweets. Maybe not enough vegetables, will work on this
                                and lol why these omega 3 are not working??!
                                but my eyes are pretty dry right now, and warm compress does not seem to do much(4 months of it and no improvment) a bit worried about that, maybe for my case, massage alone is not enough, i think i might need something like lipiflow to unblock that oïl??

