i had my first acupuncture session the other day. I emailed clorine off this site, so that my acupuncturist can have some tips on her sucess treating dry eye, as he hasnt had much experiance in treating dry eye, but has 17 years experiance otherwise. He did a structual treatment 4 points on side of legs and feet first. He said i should notice a little difference the next day last for about 24 hours. Despite drinking the night before, my eyes felt good the next day. but then that could just be a better day!
with regards to pallitive etc. My acupuncturist said that, pain management techinues (points in the face) are symptomatic treatment. but hostilic acupunture can have long lasting theraputic effects or can be curative for some people.
i had my first acupuncture session the other day. I emailed clorine off this site, so that my acupuncturist can have some tips on her sucess treating dry eye, as he hasnt had much experiance in treating dry eye, but has 17 years experiance otherwise. He did a structual treatment 4 points on side of legs and feet first. He said i should notice a little difference the next day last for about 24 hours. Despite drinking the night before, my eyes felt good the next day. but then that could just be a better day!
with regards to pallitive etc. My acupuncturist said that, pain management techinues (points in the face) are symptomatic treatment. but hostilic acupunture can have long lasting theraputic effects or can be curative for some people.