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Brady Barrows Rosacea Diet/Candida Diet for Ocular Rosacea
I can! Just private message me your email today I think I went a little over 30 grams of carbs, but I made these three herb breakfast patties for breakfast since I can't have eggs so tomorrow will be easier
Sagg, did it take you the whole 30 days or no? I'm just curious as I would love if I had similar results!
For me, it was obviously making a difference within a week or two. I was monitoring the appearance of my MG's every day using a 15x magnifying mirror with LED light - plus, of course, taking note of any differences in redness of my eyes and how they felt etc.
It is a hard diet yes. I allow myself a bit more nuts than I should and also eat a tiny amount of rasberries which are very low sugar. 20 rasberries is only 2 grams of sugar. For the most part, I feel much better without sugar. Every time I eat lots of fruit my lids turn bright red. It's only for a month, and if it helps a lot, it will be worth it! I also started taking a high strength probiotic and lowered my antibiotic dose. I don't miss carbs. When I look at a doughnut or muffin all I see is pain.