Hi all,
I've never been one for half measures unfortunately.......so I get the rough with the smooth all at once... :-)
So, today wasn't so good. I got pain in my right eye as per usual, but on a good note no stinging.....usually the whole lot comes at once and I'm offline for a while. A round of eye drops and a wee rest from the PC and I was back to normal again. So, overall still much better than normal.
What I did notice was that with the eye pain (the lacrimal defficient eye) also gave me slightly blurred vision as it does without the lens in. I wasn't really expecting that. Also, I thought that the lens would have acted more like a bandage and would have protected the eye from such pain, by locking in some tears behind the lens.I don't really know what actually happens there to tell you the truth.
I've been saying this for years, I'd really like to know what goes on with my right eye to see what causes such dull pain. My eye can get reall dry and not have the pain, then sometimes it does. No doc has answered that question.
Anyways, by the time I drove homefrom work my eyes were well rested so we went shopping......again, as in the first few days it really was a revelation to walk about a supermarket and enjoy the evening without too much thought to my eyes.
On a side-note I was talking to a guy at work. He had his head in his palms at lunchtime....I asked what was wrong and he said he'd had to take one of his contacts out and when he put it back in his eye was gritty and sore. He was contemplating going home as he didn't have his spectacles with him and if he took out his lens he wouldn't see properly.......so, I donated 1 vial of artificials tears and he was ready to rock in 5 minutes,albeit I had to administer the drops for him!
I told him why I took eye drops and he was shocked at DES....he'd never heard of it and did wonder why I was always reaching for my mirror and putting in eye drops myself.
I've never been one for half measures unfortunately.......so I get the rough with the smooth all at once... :-)
So, today wasn't so good. I got pain in my right eye as per usual, but on a good note no stinging.....usually the whole lot comes at once and I'm offline for a while. A round of eye drops and a wee rest from the PC and I was back to normal again. So, overall still much better than normal.
What I did notice was that with the eye pain (the lacrimal defficient eye) also gave me slightly blurred vision as it does without the lens in. I wasn't really expecting that. Also, I thought that the lens would have acted more like a bandage and would have protected the eye from such pain, by locking in some tears behind the lens.I don't really know what actually happens there to tell you the truth.
I've been saying this for years, I'd really like to know what goes on with my right eye to see what causes such dull pain. My eye can get reall dry and not have the pain, then sometimes it does. No doc has answered that question.
Anyways, by the time I drove homefrom work my eyes were well rested so we went shopping......again, as in the first few days it really was a revelation to walk about a supermarket and enjoy the evening without too much thought to my eyes.
On a side-note I was talking to a guy at work. He had his head in his palms at lunchtime....I asked what was wrong and he said he'd had to take one of his contacts out and when he put it back in his eye was gritty and sore. He was contemplating going home as he didn't have his spectacles with him and if he took out his lens he wouldn't see properly.......so, I donated 1 vial of artificials tears and he was ready to rock in 5 minutes,albeit I had to administer the drops for him!
I told him why I took eye drops and he was shocked at DES....he'd never heard of it and did wonder why I was always reaching for my mirror and putting in eye drops myself.