i am still in pain but its getting better
i am still in a lot of pain in my eyes but i am use to it by now. the doctors are getting closer to finding out why i am going through dry eyes but so far no answers and my blood test didnt help much it just show that i was normal but i dont kniow what normal is since i have never been normal to the medical field. i am still puting eye drops in every five minutes and its driving me crazy but i am getting use to it too but the eye doctor told me yesterday that its look better though then it has since he last saw me in march. i am still going to eye doctors every week its getting to be old but hopefully the doctors can find out soon. this is hard to go through espeically when your parents watch you go through it and you are their littlle girl and the princess of the family and has daddy wraped around your finguer. enjoy the weekend. dreaming of a better life.
i am still in a lot of pain in my eyes but i am use to it by now. the doctors are getting closer to finding out why i am going through dry eyes but so far no answers and my blood test didnt help much it just show that i was normal but i dont kniow what normal is since i have never been normal to the medical field. i am still puting eye drops in every five minutes and its driving me crazy but i am getting use to it too but the eye doctor told me yesterday that its look better though then it has since he last saw me in march. i am still going to eye doctors every week its getting to be old but hopefully the doctors can find out soon. this is hard to go through espeically when your parents watch you go through it and you are their littlle girl and the princess of the family and has daddy wraped around your finguer. enjoy the weekend. dreaming of a better life.
