Hi everyone, I've been suffering from dry eyes and having permanent veins in my eyes for years now. I'm 25 years old and I hate my eyes. It's really hurting my self-esteem and confidence and when my eyes flare up I'm too embarrassed to even leave the house.
I found an article which states:
Unfortunately all four of those things have applied to me. I'm doing everything I can to minimize the risks now but it seems like the damage has been done. I'm really angry and feel stupid for abusing my eyes. I wish I could go back in time.
My eyes get really bad when I sleep at night. I can go to bed and my eyes feel mostly normal but when I wake up they're even redder than before and feel like sandpaper. Then throughout the day they seem to get somewhat better then I go to bed and they get worse once again.
Things I've done so far to try to help:
1. Take frequent breaks from computer
2. Lowered my computer monitors
3. Flux
4. Fish oil pills every day
5. I always get at least 8 hours of sleep per night
6. I drink water all day every day. I exercise about 5 days a week so I always make sure I'm hydrated. I only drink water, milk, and gatorade.
7. My diet is very clean and healthy and I almost always eat home cooked meals
8. No drugs (not even caffeine or any prescription medications), alcohol, or smoking
9. Stopped using fan at night
10. Closed my air vents
11. Systane Balance eye drops
12. Vitamin E
13. Vitamin D
14. Vitamin B2
15. Taurine
16. Always wearing sunglasses when going outside even if it's not that bright out
17. Stopped using Clear Eyes although I don't really feel like I ever used it too often. The first permanent blood vessel that appeared in my right eye showed up before I ever used any vasoconstrictors. My eyes did get worse though after I started using Clear Eyes although it's hard to say how much of it was from Clear Eyes. I still had a lot of other risk factors going on.
18. Keeping a bowl of hot water in my room at night to increase the humidity
19. Systane nighttime ointment
20. Eyeseals 4.0 Sleeping Mask
Things I will be trying soon:
Things I am considering trying:
1. Restasis? Not sure about this one though
Does anyone else have any ideas? Feel free to share any of your thoughts and personal experiences. I hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel cause right now I can't see it.
Thank you.
I found an article which states:
According to various eye doctors, these veins develop for several reasons, including:
1. Prolonged and untreated dry eye syndrome.
2. Overuse of eye drops that are vasoconstrictors (i.e., Visine, Clear Eyes, All Clear, etc.). A vasoconstrictor is a substance that reduces the redness in the eyes by narrowing the blood vessels. However, overusing products containing this substance can result in “rebound redness”. This means that when you stop using the product your veins will come back even larger and redder than before.
3. Overexposure to sunlight without wearing proper eye protection.
4. Staring at a computer screen for hours a day without stopping to take breaks or without blinking sufficiently in order to keep the eyes moistened.
1. Prolonged and untreated dry eye syndrome.
2. Overuse of eye drops that are vasoconstrictors (i.e., Visine, Clear Eyes, All Clear, etc.). A vasoconstrictor is a substance that reduces the redness in the eyes by narrowing the blood vessels. However, overusing products containing this substance can result in “rebound redness”. This means that when you stop using the product your veins will come back even larger and redder than before.
3. Overexposure to sunlight without wearing proper eye protection.
4. Staring at a computer screen for hours a day without stopping to take breaks or without blinking sufficiently in order to keep the eyes moistened.
My eyes get really bad when I sleep at night. I can go to bed and my eyes feel mostly normal but when I wake up they're even redder than before and feel like sandpaper. Then throughout the day they seem to get somewhat better then I go to bed and they get worse once again.
Things I've done so far to try to help:
1. Take frequent breaks from computer
2. Lowered my computer monitors
3. Flux
4. Fish oil pills every day
5. I always get at least 8 hours of sleep per night
6. I drink water all day every day. I exercise about 5 days a week so I always make sure I'm hydrated. I only drink water, milk, and gatorade.
7. My diet is very clean and healthy and I almost always eat home cooked meals
8. No drugs (not even caffeine or any prescription medications), alcohol, or smoking
9. Stopped using fan at night
10. Closed my air vents
11. Systane Balance eye drops
12. Vitamin E
13. Vitamin D
14. Vitamin B2
15. Taurine
16. Always wearing sunglasses when going outside even if it's not that bright out
17. Stopped using Clear Eyes although I don't really feel like I ever used it too often. The first permanent blood vessel that appeared in my right eye showed up before I ever used any vasoconstrictors. My eyes did get worse though after I started using Clear Eyes although it's hard to say how much of it was from Clear Eyes. I still had a lot of other risk factors going on.
18. Keeping a bowl of hot water in my room at night to increase the humidity
19. Systane nighttime ointment
20. Eyeseals 4.0 Sleeping Mask
Things I will be trying soon:
Things I am considering trying:
1. Restasis? Not sure about this one though
Does anyone else have any ideas? Feel free to share any of your thoughts and personal experiences. I hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel cause right now I can't see it.
Thank you.