I have just discovered this site and have read you all in amazement. Wow, you have all gone through this too. Lucy, from September through the end of last year I was very close to giving up, I think it cost me my job. But, and I hope you are finding this out by this time, it can get better. I had DES for many years and self treated so I did not recognize where it was leading, or how bad it would get. Anyway during this last and worst episode (now treated medically) I also went to a homeopath, whose first prescription for me was Sulpher 30 x which I got at my co-op. Rosaciea is on of my underlying problems. So this tiny little pill I took am and pm did not seem to help my eyes, but gradually I think that I was changed. A life long mouse, I began to speak up, with my old job ending I pitched a new job idea to my boss....I didn't get it but just that I had the nerve to do such a thing, still astounds me. Other things too, like not being so sensitive to criticism, and saying what I want to say. What I think the sulpher did was to ease up that hard-arsed judge in my head. I don't know how it did this but this in itself helped the depression I was going through with my eyes, my teeth and my job ending. I am 66, so I've lived with myself for a long time--I know a new me when I am one....I know it sounds crazy, but it is a site better treatment than the pharmceuticals and like I said, this stronger me is just a side effect of the rosacia treatment. So I offer it because I know how cruel and depressing this disease is. It makes us judge ourselves; doubt ourselves. "What did I do wrong to deserve this DES and its pain and unsightlyness." So thank you all for being here, when I thought I was alone.
I have just discovered this site and have read you all in amazement. Wow, you have all gone through this too. Lucy, from September through the end of last year I was very close to giving up, I think it cost me my job. But, and I hope you are finding this out by this time, it can get better. I had DES for many years and self treated so I did not recognize where it was leading, or how bad it would get. Anyway during this last and worst episode (now treated medically) I also went to a homeopath, whose first prescription for me was Sulpher 30 x which I got at my co-op. Rosaciea is on of my underlying problems. So this tiny little pill I took am and pm did not seem to help my eyes, but gradually I think that I was changed. A life long mouse, I began to speak up, with my old job ending I pitched a new job idea to my boss....I didn't get it but just that I had the nerve to do such a thing, still astounds me. Other things too, like not being so sensitive to criticism, and saying what I want to say. What I think the sulpher did was to ease up that hard-arsed judge in my head. I don't know how it did this but this in itself helped the depression I was going through with my eyes, my teeth and my job ending. I am 66, so I've lived with myself for a long time--I know a new me when I am one....I know it sounds crazy, but it is a site better treatment than the pharmceuticals and like I said, this stronger me is just a side effect of the rosacia treatment. So I offer it because I know how cruel and depressing this disease is. It makes us judge ourselves; doubt ourselves. "What did I do wrong to deserve this DES and its pain and unsightlyness." So thank you all for being here, when I thought I was alone.