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  • #16
    Hi I found this forum by googling for Clarymist, which is something I had been looking at and wanted to get people's opinions on


    • #17
      New here

      Hi everybody! This is my first time here or in any online community. I'm not sure how I found this site -- always looking for any new info on the dread dry eye problem. Anyhow it's nice to know I'm not alone.


      • #18
        Hi there

        Well, I am officially here now! I was delaying for a while due to time constraints, but I really need the support you guys have to offer- especially lately- I am in Podiatry school, and in one of the worst semesters yet. I've had dry eye since about age 13. The corneal specialist said it was due more than likely to an auto-immune response during a bad virus bout. So, Good to be here!!


        • #19
          Hello and welcome to new members! We are happy to have you among us, although we are sorry it is necessary. Do peruse the many forums...old and new posts. You will learn a great deal.

          Here's a great link as well.

          Good luck in improving your level of comfort. Oddly enough we like to make the whole experience fun so...enjoy (if you can).

          Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


          • #20
            How did I get here?

            ... by googling on Viscotears, as I have a query about the supply of it in UK pharmacies.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Rebecca Petris View Post
              It seems like we're growing in leaps and bounds lately - several new members almost every day. I hope you are all able to find helpful information here and on our main site at

              I am curious to know how you are all finding Dry Eye Talk. For example are you searching on a dry eye term and the bulletin board comes up... or are you finding us through the dry eye zone or dry eye shop... or seeing links on other sites... or?

              Hello, I found this site when looking for information about dry eyes and if there were any other persons with the same problems I am having..


              • #22
                Esencia: There are a lot of conditions that lead to dry eyes, and the syndrome manifests itself in several different ways. If you'll describe the kinds of problems you are having, as well as share any information you may have about the probable cause(s), we'll be happy to share our experiences and see if we can help.


                • #23
                  I googled 'dry eyes' I think! and this was the best........I started reading!

                  Originally posted by Rebecca Petris View Post
                  It seems like we're growing in leaps and bounds lately - several new members almost every day. I hope you are all able to find helpful information here and on our main site at

                  I am curious to know how you are all finding Dry Eye Talk. For example are you searching on a dry eye term and the bulletin board comes up... or are you finding us through the dry eye zone or dry eye shop... or seeing links on other sites... or?


                  • #24
                    Nightime relief

                    Originally posted by pjcorn View Post
                    I am new to this. I have problems with my eyes at night. Waking up with a lot of pain in my left eye. I just ordered the sleepwear and cannot wait to try it. I would like to know if anyone knows if floaters are related to the dry eye problem, I have massive annoying floaters in my left eye??? thank you.
                    Have you tried warm moist heat before bedtime. Works better for me they any eyedrop. Heat water in bowl in microwave for two minutes. Dip small washcloth in water. Squeexw but not a lot. Apply to eyes till cloth feels lukewarm and repeat. Water should be very warm but not super hot


                    • #25
                      Eye Drops That Help.

                      Originally posted by Michael Lange OD View Post
                      Rebecca hey, this is Dr. mike again, I did talk about dry eye today on radio talk show to see what kind of calls we got and I was flooded, so my show on saturday am i will mention your site. I cannot get your message to open?? everytime i try to sdo anything i guess i am blocked? maybe email me at email address?? thanks Mike
                      Cannot find any eye drops that help my dry eyes. Tried several perservative free ones too, Refresh PM makes it worse, I only use perservative free drops but nothing works. An6y suggestions. Warm moist heat compresses do work but not for a long time. I am a senior and have had this for deveral months. I have been to an opthamologist too Just looking for some miracle eye drops for relief.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by tobhealthy View Post
                        Cannot find any eye drops that help my dry eyes. Tried several perservative free ones too, Refresh PM makes it worse, I only use perservative free drops but nothing works. An6y suggestions. Warm moist heat compresses do work but not for a long time. I am a senior and have had this for deveral months. I have been to an opthamologist too Just looking for some miracle eye drops for relief.
                        Hi, ToBHealthy.

                        You may want to try going to the Dry Eye Shop and reading about Dwelle, NutraTear, and Dakrina. I am a fan. I know that this discussion board is connected to a place that sells things, but I am just a dry-eye patient and not a salesperson. I have nothing invested here but time learning from the good people who care enough to post their experiences to help others and the experiments I've tried myself with products at the Dry Eye Shop.

                        The eye drops at the Shop have given me my life back, and I am not exaggerating. I was unable to work for a month, because of a corneal dystrophy that caused recurrent corneal erosions. Dwelle eye drops are not the most comfortable or user-friendly drops for people with a compromised cornea. When I first used them, they stung. Then, I'd go a couple of days, thinking I was past the stinging, and then it would happen again. I continued with them, because I was being weaned off of prescription eye drops and was afraid that I would be back to where I started. After two months, I was at work, and I thought, "Oh, it's time to put in the Dwelle." Well, that was big for me. Until I started using Dwelle, my eyeballs would be screaming for drops up to an hour and a half before my scheduled time to use them. Things keep getting better. Dwelle leaves a rubber-cement-like film on eyelashes and the skin around the eye, which is why I said that they are not user-friendly. It is a little annoying but not nearly as bad as painful, unbearable eyes.

                        My vision is good, and my eyes get me through the day. I am so grateful to this site. So, if you are looking for a drop with which to experiment, you may want to consider your symptoms and read the detailed reviews that Rebecca posted with the product descriptions. I still go back and read those time and again, because they are full of information and have been right on, I notice, after I tried the drops myself.

                        Good luck, and let us know how you fare.



                        • #27
                          first time here too

                          Hi everyone, i also found this site by accident whilst googling dry eye problems. I didnt realise it was american site until i read a few threads. Im in the UK, we dont get some of the products mentioned here. Seems like this dry eye problem is so common, is comforting to know we are not on our own here worrying and suffering.



                          • #28
                            Found this site when searching for Sjogren's symptoms.

                            Hi - I have been seeing my internist, ophthalmologist, dentist, and ENT - all for symptoms I now understand are part of Sjogren's. My ophthalmologist actually diagnosed it a couple of years ago and put me on Restasis. My internist ran blood work - testing for ANA. That came back negative and I assumed it was a bad diagnosis. I saw my ophthalmologist again a few weeks ago and he was adamant it was autoimmune. My left eye was ulcerated. He said my eyes are as dry as he sees in his practice and not from just being a post-menopausal woman. My dentist has had me on a prescription toothpaste and Biotene. He diagnosed burning mouth/tongue syndrome as well as dry mouth with a propensity for cavities. My ENT saw me as having a "swallow" and nasal membrane problem. The swallow test did show an abnormality in my throat but not such that it would cause the occasional choking I experience. It did show GERD and he put me on Nexium He also put me on a nasal corticosteroid.

                            After doing research on my own, it became clear that SS doesn't necessarily test ANA positive. The doctors saw me as "parts" - fortunately my ophthalmologist put those parts together. He has prescribed a couple of topical corticosteroids (FML and Lotemax), Salagen (actually the generic, pilocarpine) and placed a punctal plug in my left eye. He couldn't get one in the right eye because the duct is too small for the dilator.

                            I have used eye drops and ointments, vaporizers and humidifiers, and taken fish oil and flax seed oil for several years. I was probably receiving the right treatment for my symptoms but it still somehow feels better knowing what is wrong rather than thinking I had a lot of unrelated problems.

                            It was good to find this site. I hope I can learn from the experiences of others and will willingly share mine.

                            Thanks for listening.



                            • #29
                              How I found you!

                              Typed "red eyelids" in Google and there you were. Dottiep


                              • #30
                                Dry Eye Lasik

                                Hi Everyone,

                                Found your site browsing the internet. Hopefully to talk to people with the same problem after lasik sugery and REALLY hoping for positive support.

