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  • #91
    Now-a-days mine is taking two teaspoons of Triphala Ghritta with warm water when I wake up, e two before bed. Netramritam eye drops 4 times per day. But i'm stopping using it because i'm not feeling it effect anymore.
    Warm compresses at evening with an sleeping mask with seeds inside.

    Today was the first time in two and half months in my new job in my new city that i wore my Wiley-X at work. The relative humidity was 19% at afternoon! And i wore my Wiley keeping the foam humid with water.
    When i came back home after work i could barely open my eyes without the Wiley due the very low relative humidity.
    Last edited by bakunin; 19-Jul-2012, 16:08.


    • #92
      I forgot: one capsule of sih oil and one capsule of flaxseed oil twice a day, and an homeophatic medicine twice a day.


      • #93
        I just have to say this forum is extremely helpful for me because my doctors don't take me seriously. I even had to persuade one of them to prescribe me Vidisic night time gel.

        Anyways, it's been two months and my eyes are finally back to normal! I've been taking Omega 3,6,7,9 capsules two weeks after I was diagnosed with dry eyes, and I'm only feeling the effects now -- but it's a very significant improvement. I think supplements take a while to absorb into our bodies, hence why I'm only reaping the benefits 2 months later.

        Daily routine:

        - 3 cups green tea
        - Sugar-free diet (processed and artificial sugar)
        - A large dosage of fruits and vegetables during meals
        - 2 teaspoon of pomegranate extract
        - bilberry, eyebright and lutein supplements for general eye health and to reduce light sensitivity
        - warm compress at night (which I usually cheat with just taking a long hot shower -- it still works the same)
        - eye gel at night just for safety measures. Am thinking of phasing out the gel when I stop relying on my Systane Balance drops during the day

        I do think the pomegranate extract, seabuckthorn oil (omega 7) and green tea did the most help, since they are super rich with anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory polyphenols. I suspect my dry eyes stemmed from a bad diet, dehydration and lack of sleep, so changing my diet and detoxing my body helped reduce my dry eyes symptoms. It's also currently Ramadan, fasting month and I've been taking great care to avoid dehydration and fatigue while I'm fasting. All in all, not bad.

        My next goal is to slowly stop using the eyedrops during daytime. Hopefully my daily routine and diet works in the long run.


        • #94
          Stuff I use:
          Drops - Theratears preservative free works the longest, but the vials suck because they can't be transported. Blink Contacts drops come in a bottle I can carry in a pocket, so I use those away from home. I just bought the new theratears solution listed as "preservative free in the eye". Jury is still out on that one.
          Saline - Unisol 4. but I ordered some Addipak vials to try instead soon
          Bandages & tape - Nexcare waterproof, latex free
          Wiley Airrage - although I lost them them a couple weeks ago. But I don't really need them now except in wind and when riding a motorcycle.

          At night:
          -Chew multiple Omega-3 Gummies, or drink key lime formula. I don't think it helps, but I've become addicted to the gummies.
          -Drip saline in my eye (helps break any suction). Remove scleral with wet plunger. Takes about 3 seconds.
          -Soak lens in clear care in container overnight.
          -Bandage eye with Nexcare waterproof active cushion bandage, with Nexcare absolute waterproof first aid tape around one side (bandage is not quite big enough). Bandage is first wetted with sterile saline.
          -Remove bandage. Drip some unisol 4 in eye.
          -Shower and clean around eyes as normal
          -Fill Scleral with Unisol 4
          -Insert with plunger. Takes 30 seconds. Repeat if necessary (every 5 days I have a bad day where it takes 3 or 4 tries. Otherwise usually goes in first try). Done is less than 10 minutes.
          Turn lens so dots are at top, and wet with drops
          -Insert more drops every 30-60 minutes.


          • #95
            Follow-up I made a short video of my scleral lens routine, with a couple of changes in products I'm currently using:

            Still looking for a better solution for at night though. Tearing a bandage off my face every morning is leaving my skin a little red, especially as I start to tan. Eye feels good all night though!


            • #96
              Hi guys,

              Here is my *current* daily routine:


              - Wake at 5am add 'systane balance' drops (usually 1-2 in each eye, sometimes more) to help peel eye lid from eye
              - Get out of bed at 6am hot shower letting water run over my eyes. Use a wash cloth to clean my eyes
              - After 1 hour of getting things ready around 7am hot compress and gland secretion and then immediately put on my dry eye moisture chambers (7eye)
              - Take 1 Eskimo Omega-3 fish oil tablet (I take two more during the day). One tablet is 340mg of omega-3

              During the day (I work with computers from 8am to 4.30pm)

              - Apply hot compress during work at 10am and do further gland secretion eye mositure chambers back on
              - Moisture glasses off during lunchtime (1-1.30pm) and take my multi-vitamin
              - Cotton pads with hot water to clean the eye as needed (if eyes get itchy)
              - Apply hot compress during work at 3pm and do further gland secretion eye mositure chambers back on

              Evening time

              - Shower at 7pm same as morning shower
              - 8pm hot compress and do further gland secretion eye mositure chambers back on
              - 9pm systane in both eyes and off to sleep (some nights I don't add drops as I am currently experimenting)

              Start at 5am again!

              Additional notes:

              - I try to now take 1 hour lunch breaks as much as I can as it is time away from the PC
              - Try to take regular breaks away from the PC (doing the hot compress mid morning and mid afternoon helps with this as I do this away from the PC)
              - I was using Lacrilube before bed time however I no longer do this as I felt it contributed to the sticky eye in the morning. Applying Sytane and letting it seep into the eyes seems to work better for me.

              Last edited by khmedia; 24-Jun-2014, 01:37.


              • #97
                Hi Gaye,
                What sterile saline solution do you use?


                • #98
                  I have ocular allergies and it makes my eyes feel dry at times.

                  My Routine:

                  Morning: Wash face, refrigerated saline rinse, refriderated preservative-free liquid tears.

                  Daytime habits: Liquid Tears as frequently as possible.

                  Evening: shower and making sure to clean eyebrows and eyelashes well to remove allergens and any residual debris. Saline Rinse. More Tears.

                  Artifical Tears before bed and then sleep.


                  • #99
                    Im new to this and i still have symptoms. When i get up I heat a gel mask in microwave for about 15 seconds. Apply mask making sure its not too hot for about five minutes. Lightly massage lids to express some oil. Some days i dont do the massage. For having clogged glands,when i do expression I seem to get alot of oil. I then take warm cloth and wipe off my lids. Then rinse them with water. Followed by a moist qtip run along the lash line top and bottom making sure to also clean any crusts along the lashes. Some times after about 10 minutes i use Refresh lubricant eyedrops,mostly to clear some of the oil in my eyes. I also use the drops if my eyes are very dry when i first open them. Drink as much water as possible. 2 to 3 fish oil capsules a day. 400 mg vit e and vit D. I try not to use the drops alot during the day ,dont want to make my eyes dependent on them. I use dark glasses when ever light sensitivity bothers me both outside and in. At night I wipe my eyes and wash my face. If my eyes are really bad another heat mask. Sometimes drops before bed. Xx


                    • AM:
                      Wake up around 5a.m.
                      Use damp compress to soak eyes open without ripping.
                      Optive in - assuming no issues.

                      Throughout day:
                      Photosensitve glasses outdoors.
                      hourly: Optive drops
                      hourly (on half hour): blinking exercises.
                      Compress if either eyelid starts to stick.

                      30 min wait, with moisturising compress.
                      Vitapos in,
                      'look' exercises to make sure the gel coats smoothly and the eyelid does not stick shut.
                      Sleep (with pads to stop the eyes opening) some minutes later.

                      Up at 2am to renew gel/compress. This assumes there is no overnight erosion. If there is, the routine is waking suddenly, painkillers, then drops, compresses, etc. and no more sleep.

                      If I skip this, e.g. sleep in, or miss drops, I get an erosion the following night everytime. Otherwise, this has reduced the occurance a bit. I tried to catch up on sleep in the afternoon, but no luck.


                      • AM:
                        warm compress 10-15 min, massage

                        mid-day (work on a PC for 8 hrs):
                        fish oil, CoQ10, lutein, vitamin C
                        warm compress 10 min, massage
                        aerobic exercise

                        all day:
                        bausch & lomb sooth as needed
                        lots of water
                        moisture chamber glasses
                        eye breaks from PC every 20 min

                        warm compress 10-15 min, massage
                        fish oil, zinc
                        chysanthemum tea
                        more water

                        middle of the night:
                        bausch & lomb soothe as needed
                        systane lid wipe when awakened from pain
                        Last edited by PG; 28-Oct-2016, 21:12.



                          A. Morning Routine
                          1. Lubricate eyes with serum drops (eyes are usually stuck closed and/or vision very blurry).
                          2. Take four fish oil capsules.
                          3. Take one Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) capsule.
                          4. Scrub eye lashes with baby shampoo and cotton balls
                          5. Place one drop of Alrex steroid drops in each eye.
                          6. Use a hot compress on the eyes for 10-15 minutes.
                          7. Massage eye lids to stimulate tear gland function.
                          8. Instill one drop of Xiidra in each eye (this burns very badly).
                          9. Immediately put another drop of serum tears in each eye
                          10. Take a shower (being very careful not to irritate eyes with the shower head).
                          11. Place a healthy dose of Systane Ultra night-time ointment in each eye lid.
                          12. Instill 1 drop of Restasis in each eye.
                          13. Instill 1 drop of serum tears and/or Systane Ultra in each eye (minimizes burning).
                          14. Instill one drop of Azasite in each eye.
                          15. Follow immediately with one drop of serum tears or Systane Ultra drops to minimize burning.
                          16. Pray on my knees and thank God for my blessings. Ask for medical help or healing.
                          17. Drive to work.
                          18. Instill one drop of Zaditor allergy drops in each eye (while driving).
                          19. Follow with 1 drop of serum tears of systane ultra in each eye to minimize burning.
                          20. Arrive at work and setup my workstation.
                          21. Plug in desktop humidifier.
                          22. Instill 1 drop of serum tears of Systane Ultra in each eye.
                          23. Alternate serum drops and/or Systane Ultra every 15-30 minutes until lunch time.

                          B. Lunchtime Routine
                          1. Use a hot compress on the eyes for 10-15 minutes.
                          2. Massage eye lids to stimulate tear gland function.
                          3. Instill 1 drop of serum tears of systane ultra in each eye.
                          4. Take one Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) supplement with lunch.
                          5. Place a healthy dose of Systane Ultra night-time eye ointment in each eye lid.
                          6. Lubricate with serum tears (balance out viscosity so I can see).
                          7. Instill serum tears and/or Systane Ultra every 15-30 minutes until late afternoon.
                          8. Place an ice cube/ice pack on eyes to minimize eye pain and burning (1-2 times per day).

                          C. Late Afternoon Routine
                          1. Use a hot compress on the eyes for 10-15 minutes.
                          2. Massage eye lids to stimulate tear gland function.
                          3. Instill serum tears and/or Systane Ultra in each eye (do this every 15-30 minutes until quitting time).

                          D. Evening - Bedtime Routine
                          1. Sit in my room for 30-60 minutes with humidifier running. Play harmonica or read.
                          2. Instill serum tears and/or Systane Ultra in each eye as needed until bed time.
                          3. Scrub eye lashes with baby shampoo and cotton balls.
                          4. Use a hot compress on the eyes for 10-15 minutes.
                          5. Massage eye lids to stimulate tear gland function.
                          6. Place one drop of Alrex steroid drops in each eye.
                          7. Instill one drop of Xiidra in each eye.
                          8. Immediately put another drop of serum tears in each eye.
                          9. Instill 1 drop of Restasis in each eye.
                          10. Immediately put another drop of serum tears in each eye.
                          11. Place a healthy dose of Systane Ultra nighttime eye ointment in each eye lid.
                          12. Pray on my knees and ask God to help me find a cure or to accept my circumstances.
                          13. Turn on humidifier for the evening and go to bed.


                          • Hi all,
                            My routine has been changed A LOT over the past year since I have found I'm very sensitive to medications/preservatives/cleaning products etc. I'm sure it will keep on being adjusted too!

                            2 drops Refresh Optive Advanced PF in each eye. hit snooze and close eyes for 10 minutes, then face day
                            Clean each eye gently with a warm tap water soaked cotton ball
                            Use 2 drops Systane Ultra PF drops to each eye (thicker than my other drop and better for life outside my apartment)
                            1400mg Flaxseed oil capsules with breakfast
                            Wraparound sunglasses, even cloudy days
                            At work: (I work in several labs throughout the day doing research) Immediately put on eye protection to keep tear film stable and reduce trauma of recirculated. I wear wraparound safety glasses even when just working on the computer or walking in hallways
                            Practice full blinks throughout day (the "crack a walnut" kind)

                            Afternoon: Add 2 drops Systane Ultra, close eyes to rest for 20 seconds. Wipe away excess drops with clean q-tip
                            4:30p Doxycycline 100mg tablet daily with no food (for max absorbency), drink full glass of water

                            Evening: Drive home with wraparound glasses
                            wash hands, 2 drops Systane Ultra, shower to get off chemicals/bacteria etc from lab
                            Wash hands with Johnson's baby shampoo, yes I wash them again! Then in shower gently massage lids and do blinking exercises, yawning to increase lacrimal gland function while in shower
                            Clean phone with 70% ISO pads (I am pretty much OCD because of this disease and never was before)
                            Drink more water to help aqueous layer and take probiotic 2 hours after antibiotic for max effect, with food
                            I wear non-prescription, large glasses, or blue light eye strain glasses if on computer, or if especially bad, I wear the same type of eye protection as I do at work for rest of night

                            Wash hands
                            lid cleaning: Once Weekly: Systane lid wipes and rinsing with warm tap water before bed
                            Daily: Wipe lids with warm water on cotton balls to wipe off dried artificial tears etc.
                            As needed: Occasional warm-wetted Q-tip used to gently clean lash line if itchy/irritated and to express clogged swollen lid area (hygiene was never mentioned by my dr I have been figuring out by trial and error)
                            Microwave Bruder eye compress with mug of water to enhance moist heat
                            5 minutes of heat, then pressing of lids to express membrane glands
                            Meditation to reduce stress, usually body scan

                            Lifestyle changes:
                            Left second job, finished school (by the skin of my teeth, this disease almost prevented it)
                            I have a humidifier going in the bedroom at least 3 days a week and clean it every week
                            An HEPA air filter in the living room to reduce allergens
                            I was using an eye mask when I slept, but woke up with severe swelling of my lacrimal glands and lower lids. My dr said it was probably an allergic reaction
                            Stopped wearing all makeup, even "ophthalmologist tested" after my dr saw mascara in my eye one time when I went in..not good!
                            I use Audible to rest eyes instead of reading
                            I also use Green eye filter/eye break reminder on Google
                            I have multiple compresses that I clean with baby shampoo once a week and rotate them so they fully dry in between cleaning
                            If I cry, I try not to; my tears feel absolutely toxic and turn my eyes scary red and swollen even after just a second of tears; I rinse my eyes out with Refresh Optive Advanced PF
                            I use brand names only, I though it was silly to think there was a difference before this disease, but there is truly a difference for these products I've mentioned!
                            Less heat, more blankets and sweatshirts
                            No AC in my apartment or car even during heat waves
                            Meditation to manage pain and stress

                            Some of these things have reduced my suffering, but my symptoms keep changing and new problems seem to surface and the pain is always changing location and severity but never goes away

                            If anyone has suggestions please let me know! I would use moisture chamber goggles, but I have signs of a lack of oxygen so if anyone knows about hypoxia and use of moisture goggles let me know! I would like to use them if I know they won't deprive my eyes of oxygen.
                            Limbal staining w/ slight MGD and low tBUT


                            • scoelicolor A few suggestions...

                              1. If you have MGD (likely), I would switch to drops that are marketed towards it. Such drops include Retaine MGD (PF vials), Refresh Optive Mega-3 (PF vials), and Soothe XP (preserved bottle).
                              2. I don't know what flaxseed supplement you're taking, but I would recommend HydroEye (black currant seed oil) as a starting point. With HydroEye, you should take four pills each day. Do one at breakfast, one at lunch, one at dinner, and one before bedtime.
                              3. Moisture chamber goggles won't deprive your eyes of oxygen, as long as they have small venting holes. I'm wearing some 7eye Ventus goggles right now. They have four slots at the top and bottom of each side (16 total) to let a small amount of air in.

                              The paper I referred you to talks about each of these suggestions in more depth - read it if you need more details.
                              What you need to know about computer-induced dry eye
                              Dry Eye Survey
                              IPL Doctors
                              Probing Doctors


                              • Thanks for the suggestions!
                                I was trying Refresh Optive Mega-3 PF vials, but stopped after after reading the inactive ingredients on the box. I saw it said it had butylated hydroxyl toluene (BHT) as an inactive ingredient, which is a food preservative that is banned the EU, the UK and Japan for it's use as a preservative in food because of its links to cancer. I am going to contact Refesh sometime and ask if it this product is truly considered preservative free, or if BHT is just a byproduct from production, and if there are any studies for the use of BHT in eyes. After a little digging I still wasn't able to find a solid journal article on it, which makes me skeptical to it's safety. In phase 4 clinical trials they only used it on 10 subjects whom did not use any drops like so many DE sufferers use like Restaisis, and the patients could not have punctals among other procedures that DE sufferers have undergone. I hope it is actually considered safe in eyes because it really is one of the best for symptom management so far, I will find out what they say and make a post to update. I'll try out the other things you mentioned in the meantime, I already took your advice on increasing flaxseed oil. Now I'm also thinking about a low salt diet but saw that other people didn't have much improvement, still may give it a shot. I am also quitting drinking any alcohol for a month, so far I'm at 2 and a half weeks along, I've stopped using all makeup, and that's just the start of many other lifestyle changes to find relief. So far not a lot of improvement, my pain/discomfort symptoms switched from my right eye to my left eye again which is a common occurrence for me; but now I have lower lid twitching in my left eye for over 3 days now, but I'm still hopeful!
                                Here is a link that mentions BHT and it's use to keep oils from turning rancid:
                                Limbal staining w/ slight MGD and low tBUT

