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Simple suggestion: more sleep

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  • Simple suggestion: more sleep

    I track my symptoms every day along with my diet, activities, eyes stressors, and sleep using a Google From I have created. I approximate measures but I am consistent for the last 10 months.

    I struggle to find definite triggers except for one: sleep. Or rather lack of sleep. Sleep as long as you need, not as long as the mainstream society says. In my case it is 8.75-9.5 hours rather than 8. If I sleep less than 8 hours, my blinking pain increases tremendously.

    I understand that for some dryness means disturbed sleep patterns. That was the case for me so I have an understanding of an impact lack of sleep can have (and I hope you get better and/or find tools to help sleep). But if you are usually able to sleep through the night, consider sleeping enough.

    Do you also find lack of sleep is a trigger for you?

  • #2
    Tracking symptoms is sooooo smart. I have dreams of building dry eye symptom tracking software

    Sleep is a huge factor for me with scleral lens wear time / tolerance... and therefore by implication, dryness. Does knowing that help me make better choices? Not so much as I would like! I really appreciate the reminder!
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation


    • #3
      I found keeping a daily log key in the long run to finding what things helped or worsened how my eyes felt. I’m glad you have identified sleep as a factor. Yes, how much I sleep seems to be a factor for how comfortable my sclerals are, like Rebecca. And like you, I need ~9 hours sleep! Keep up the detective work, although tedious, it can pay off!


      • #4
        Assuming you don’t have lagopthalmos, yes, sleep is one of the best things for your eyes. Otherwise, it’s literally the worst thing for your eyes because they’re exposed.

