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  • Coconut Oil Works Awesome! :D

    Hey guys,

    I've had pretty awesome success with coconut oil. I've actually never had anything work this well, and I've tried many things. I just rub a little virgin coconut oil underneath my eyes (on the skin) and within an hour or so, it seeps in and starts providing relief (which lasts...
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  • Lisa_C
    started a topic My dry eye success story

    My dry eye success story

    I have visited this site for the past 18-20 months and found some success that I wanted to share with this group. My dry eyes came on gradually in the summer of 2012 until I had to use lacrisert solid eye drops daily. I could not go without them and get through the day. I went to several doctors...
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  • Agony since 1998. I found help here and I have to share my recent success!

    I have had undiagnosed MGD since 1998 and I'm only 49. In the meantime, I had tried everything, thinking it was solely dry eye. You name it, I've tried it. I've gone to the US (I live in Canada). It's only in my right eye and my lid is now swollen and unsightly. There is an obvious difference in...
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  • eyespice
    started a topic Success story

    Success story

    I have suffered from dry red eyes for many decades, had lower punctal plugs put in after Lasik surgery, take lots of Omega3, have been doing hot soaks and scubs using a tea tree baby shampoo, humidifiers, etc etc., with a bit of improvement to agree with my Dr. that I have MGD.

    Just 10...
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  • Guest's Avatar
    Guest started a topic Success With Surgery!

    Success With Surgery!


    For anyone who has followed my posts, will know that I have tried so many different techniques for my DES. As I have no underlying medical condition, no blepharatis, no environmental causes. By process of elimination, I determined my DES was caused by an abnormally wide Palpebral...
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    Last edited by zde2; 18-Mar-2011, 21:34.

  • morgaine101
    started a topic Latest Update

    Latest Update

    So, I thought I would drop in and update everyone as to the latest with my situation. For those who do not know, close to a year ago I accidentally (who does this intentionally??) scratched the cornea of my left eye. Unbeknownst to me, at the time, I have a corneal dystrophy. One morning, shortly thereafter,...
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