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Triphala Ghritam (Ayurvedic) - Magical and unbelievable

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  • #76
    Netramritam is relaxing, calming, soothing, anti-inflammatory ayurvedic eye drops by Arya Vaidya Sala Kottakal. That's what they advertise.

    In Indian language,
    Netra - Means eye
    Amritam - Means nectar or ambrosia prepared by gods

    So Netramritam means 'Ambrosia for eyes'.

    - Subashli


    • #77

      I found this one on internet while browsing. It seems there is an ayurvedic institute/doctor called National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine in New York. Check this out (links below). If anyone in New York or nearby is interested in ayurvedic treatment, you may check with them. By the way I do not know if they treat dry eyes and I have never visited them. This is just FYI.

      Incase if you happen to visit the doctor, please let me know what he says.



      • #78

        You said you are in Dallas. Do you know of a Ayurveda treatment center in the Dallas area? Which is where I am. Thank you!


        • #79
          Ordered two different brands of Triphala Ghritam from India. Three jars from one place and two from another. All but one jar had leaked when I got them. I wonder if they are still good. The bottle that was still sealed I tried for one day. One teaspoon in the morning and one at night. The night dose sent me to the bathroom after about two hours. I didn't notice anything after using it for a day but I imagine that you must use it longer. Does anyone know if you are supposed to refridgerate these? AFter you open them? The taste is not pleasant. I would put it in something to mask the taste. I'm curious if these other jars are still good? Would you trust leaky bottles of medicine from another country? I think this stuff will help but I need to know how to take it without needing to be at the potty two hours after use. Any suggestions? Any success stories like Subashli that it is working for you?


          • #80
            Originally posted by theggman View Post
            Ordered two different brands of Triphala Ghritam from India. Three jars from one place and two from another. All but one jar had leaked when I got them. I wonder if they are still good. The bottle that was still sealed I tried for one day. One teaspoon in the morning and one at night. The night dose sent me to the bathroom after about two hours. I didn't notice anything after using it for a day but I imagine that you must use it longer. Does anyone know if you are supposed to refridgerate these? AFter you open them? The taste is not pleasant. I would put it in something to mask the taste. I'm curious if these other jars are still good? Would you trust leaky bottles of medicine from another country? I think this stuff will help but I need to know how to take it without needing to be at the potty two hours after use. Any suggestions? Any success stories like Subashli that it is working for you?
            I think it is not good idea put it in the fridge. It gets stiff. I didn't had issues about 'going to bathroom'. Maybe it will not work like this all the time you take it.
            I started using Triphala Ghritta and Netramritam eye drops more than 3 weeks ago, and i can say they have improved very much my condition. I'm far from feeling normal, also because i moved to a much dryer city last week. I don't know how much Triphala played a role in my improvement, since i felt Netramritam was doing its job since the first day.


            • #81
              thanks for the info on the drops.. i wonder if the drops and/or the drink woud help someone like me with sjogrens and mgd??


              • #82
                Enema (natural)

                Warm water enema and immediately after this a room temperature water enema helps a lot. The technique is to keep the water inside the stomach for long time (15 minutes). Twice morning and night a day give good reults.
                Raw eating cures all deceases.
                whole body cure is eye cure
                FOOD (Natural, chemical free), Environment (air, water, noise), Relaxed Mind makes decease free


                • #83

                  No idea about any ayurvedic center in Dallas.

                  May be you are not used to ghee/ghrita. You might get used to it after having few times. And regarding leaky bottles, I think ayurvedic/herbal medicines do not go bad when exposed to air. But then there is always a chance of contamination. So you have to take that call if you want to use the leaked bottles or not.


                  FYI .... As a matter of fact some years ago (6 years), the old generation more experienced ayurvedic doctors in India used to prepare the herbal medicines at their homes. They used to give the medicines in a bottle or in a piece of paper without any proper safety seal. Back then, there were very few commercial ayurvedic manufacturing facilities. Now many new facilities have sprung up. The classic old generation of ayurvedic doctors used to be very good, used to listen to patients, take less money, sometimes free of cost to poor patients and were very ethical.

                  Personal Experience
                  - Because of the recent interest in herbal medicines, the younger generation of ayurvedic doctors (as a matter of fact any doctor) are minting money. They are interested in money, money and money. These doctors do not listen to the patients properly, not interested to find out the root cause and they give a big list of medicines and ask us to undergo some unnecessary treatments, costing thousands, at their center.

                  One example of how doctors are nowadays: I was a regular patient of an Ophthalmologist in Dallas (he is different from the Ophthalmologist who did LASIK) for more than a year. He knows my severe dry eyes problem. I was undergoing treatment under him. I have 20/20 vision after Lasik but my left eye is slightly worse than right eye. Every time I go to him, he used to ask me if I want to get LASIK done on my left eye for minute correction. I used to think what the ****, this guy wants to do LASIK again on my already LASIKed eyes inspite of knowing that I have severe dry eyes and have 20/20. Then I thought these doctors do anything for money, they absolutely have no moral or ethical values. I stopped going to that doctor.

                  Many doctors do not listen to their patients and are not caring. They think they can see more patients and earn more money in the time of listening to one patient. I think if you find a good doctor, you are really lucky !!

                  I always believe Doctor is like a god. One can make difference to thousands of lives. Medicine is a noble profession. It is like social service. If one wants to make lots of money, they should not become doctor they should choose some other profession - period.

                  After going through all the above - I started doing my own research on internet by reading articles, forums, etc. And I have to say that this forum is better than any doctor. I learnt many things here than through doctors. Thanks to everyone who is posting here.

                  God bless you.

                  - Subashli
                  Last edited by subashli; 09-May-2012, 05:20.


                  • #84
                    one month update

                    After one month using Netramritam eye drops (four times/day) and Triphala Ghritta (about one teaspoon twice a day) i can say i had a great improvement.

                    I don't know how much Triphala has helped, since I started together the Netramritam eye drops, and for sure Netramritam has a huge amount in that improvement. The first day i dropped Netramritam im my eyes it stang, but only for a few seconds. In the very first day i felt Netramritam was making good to my eyes.
                    In the first two weeks i had an impressive improvement (but still wearing moisture chamber glasses at work because of the AC). Then i moved to live in other city, and, as expected, i had some steps back, since it was like moving from a city with 80% air humidity to 40% air humidity. But anyway i am better in this new place than i was in the former city before taking these ayurvedic medicines.
                    I hope the improvement keeps going on. I have the goal to have my eyes healthy, as they were til last august, before next year. Yes, i'm optmist due to this improvement.
                    I had only one 10ml bottle of Netramritam, and it ended last week. I think my new order will arrive this week, so i will be back to Netramritam and will be able to take two teaspoons of Triphala twice a day. That's it.
                    Last edited by bakunin; 13-May-2012, 16:12.


                    • #85
                      Great news bakunin!

                      Congratulations on finding something that has helped your eyes and sticking with it. . . sometimes that can be hard to do.

                      Keep us posted!


                      • #86
                        Anyone considered long term impact of using this Ghritam/Ghee - mainly saturated fat & high in its cholesterol levels; modern medicine usually suggest that using Ghee on a daily basis (2x Day recommended for this product) may raise blood cholesterol, weight and may lead to serious heart problems. How long do you have to continue taking once you think you are benefiting from it?



                        • #87
                          Originally posted by shanku View Post
                          Anyone considered long term impact of using this Ghritam/Ghee - mainly saturated fat & high in its cholesterol levels; modern medicine usually suggest that using Ghee on a daily basis (2x Day recommended for this product) may raise blood cholesterol, weight and may lead to serious heart problems. How long do you have to continue taking once you think you are benefiting from it?

                          Good point.

                          Ayurvedic medicine is much more complex than it seems. I have all the reasons to believe that i'm a pure Vatta dosha (very thin, dry etc etc. etc.). My cholesterol levels are very low. For Vatta oily food is good. In my case, for sure, i don't need to be worry about cholesterol.


                          • #88
                            Yes ghee is considered to be a food which increases fat and weight.
                            Indian village people take it daily almost.Its a traditional food habits of Indians to take ghee on regular basis.
                            But the villagers also have a lot of physical work load throughout the day to be able to digest it and not let it convert into body fat.
                            So if u r doing enough exercises and physical stress, u may not have much of problem.

                            Also one can think of using initially as an ayurveda doctor advises, and then after a month ot two reduce it to once every 2 days etc..

                            Im taking it once a dayfrom start and i still do get benefit.
                            Im not slim but not obess either.
                            So i have to be careful taking it. Keeping weight tracks on weekly basis would help.

                            Also reduce other fatty foods u take...and accommodate ghrita in place of it.
                            Really need to be a ROCK to take the pain!


                            • #89
                              Hello again

                              Im on triphala ghrita now for about 4 months and here I will list you my experience:
                              I used in the first month 1table spoon ghrita with warm milk twice (morning and before bed on an empty stomach), after the first month I increased the dosage to 1-2 tablespoons
                              btw: I suffer from MGD since 1,5years and I m 23 years old

                              first use - 1 week: not really a difference, dry eyes still the same...
                              1 week - 1,5 month: Itīs like a miracle almost no dry eyes at all, my condition improved almost to normal. I couldnīt believe that
                              ~2month - ~3 month: It is getting slowly worse... but still much better then without ghrita
                              3 - 4 month: I still feel a bit better than without ghrita, but dry eyes are back. I donīt know why...I didnīt change anything in my life, Iīm still on a healthy diet and doing sport and avoiding dry places...
                              >4months: I reduced ghrita to only 1 tablespoon in the morning...and nothing changed, my dry eyes didnīt get better nor worse

                              I purchased netramritam eyedrops which bakunin suggested...but they didnīt help me at all...when I received it i was wondering cause the liquid was purple ? did I bought the right one ? I purchased from

                              Now I visited a specialist for dry eyes and he told me I should buy a new eye wash system with ghee...So I purchased it and today received the package. I will use it before bed
                              instructions you warm up the bottles (ghee, 20ml / eye) ~33°C and then pour it in the circle plastic you received with the package...then bath your open eyes in the warm ghee...
                              my question is: due to that it is so expensive...can I use the normal triphala ghrita and bath my eyes in it the same way ? because as I compared both there is no difference between both...the one made for the bath may be sterile...thats the only point.
                              what do you think ?


                              • #90
                                Hi bojan89,

                                The Netramritam eye drops are purple. Now that i'm better than when i started using it, i don't feel it is making any difference.

                                I'm almost two months with Triphala Ghritta. I'm much better than two months before. But in the last two weeks i had a set back, i mean, my progressive improvement stopped and i got a little bit worse. Probably the AC turned on all the week at my work. Even photophobia was less annoying before this little set back.

                                Where did you buy that eye wash with ghee? Did you have a link of that to show us?

                                best wishes

