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Azasite Rocks (Take 2)

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  • #61
    doctor recommendation?

    Hi Skygoddess, also outside of Atlanta here, to the NW, would you recommend your doctor? I have a few eye problems, most recently including dry eye, and since my current doctor has said there's nothing else she can do for me, she's handing me off to other doctors in her office, so I'm fearful it will be more of the same treatment. Anyway, would you send me a PM if you're willing to recommend your doctor? Thanks in advance.

    Glad to hear you found someone that helped. It stinks when you get the feeling the eye doc is just spending the obligatory ten minutes with you, throwing the drop-du jour at it, and then collecting the payments w/out really trying to fix the problem.


    • #62
      second day--significant effect already

      I was going to wait a week, but I've been fairly struck by how positive my initial response to Azasite has been. My blepharitis/MGD doesn't frequently lead to very red eyes, but it did last week, and this weekend (started Azasite on Saturday morning) I'm feeling not unimaginably far from normal.

      I'm planning to take it for a month. I'm eager to see how much it continues to improve, and of course, to know how long the effect lasts beyond the treatment time.

      I've learned that the drug has a pretty long half-life in the ocular tissue (due apparently to the Durasoft vehicle), so it's believed to stay around in significant concentrations for a month following discontinuation.

      It's fascinating to me that it's had much effect, because by the standard blepharitis diagnosis diagrams, my case was squarely one of MGD as opposed to bacterially based...I have frequent posterior lid inflammation (and serious irritation/discomfort), but rarely have signs of eyelash infestation. So, antibiotic ointments etc. were not generally considered an option (though I've taken Doxy, ostensibly more for its anti-inflammatory properties...which, incidentally, Azasite also has...for reasons not very clearly described anywhere, as best as I can tell)

      But I've learned that this treatment seems to have positive effects even in cases of (apparent) MGD...and I'm pleased that this is seeming to be true in my case.

      Will keep posting...


      • #63
        Good to hear it is helping. Where did you find your information about Azasite? All I have seen online was some very basic info about its use for pinkeye.


        • #64
          Here is an article on Azasite,

          I want to try this but I live in Canada and it is not available here.

          Has anyone that tried Azasite tried Vigamox? I read another article that says Vigamox is better?

          Last edited by Plat; 06-May-2008, 19:53.


          • #65
            Here is the link again,


            • #66
              Video with Dry Eye "keen" MD about AzaSite

              Hi everybody;

              It's been a while...

              I came across this video featuring Dr. Luchs who recommends Azasite for MGD treatment:

              Dysfunctional Tear Syndrome ("Dry Eye Disease") is a bane of modern society.


              • #67
                Good to *see* you, Phillip!
                Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


                • #68
                  Hi Diana;

                  Thanks! I am excited about Azasite because I have read many encouraging statements about it by eye care professionals. It seems to address the underlying evil root of soo many MGD patients. What I hope is that they will release a second version of it for long-term usage. Probably unpreserved or with something that is more suitable for sensitive corneas than that horrible BAK.
                  Dysfunctional Tear Syndrome ("Dry Eye Disease") is a bane of modern society.


                  • #69
                    ...I was Azasite only available in the US?



                    • #70
                      New considerations in the treatment of blepharitis

                      Here is a download link to an interesting expert discussion on Azasite's potential application to treat MGD:


                      Note: It is quite technical...and also sponsored by the Azasite distributing pharma company Inspirepharm...but nonetheless these guys are experts and seem to approve of it.
                      Dysfunctional Tear Syndrome ("Dry Eye Disease") is a bane of modern society.


                      • #71
                        That's funny one of those doctors from that link is my doctor.

                        Man I would love to get my hands on the preservitive free version of it but I wonder if it is only palliative and temporary or if you can use it long term. Like one drop every 2 days or something. God antibiotics scare me though, hope it's safe.
                        Which is it? Is it what you know or who you know? Or is it how well you convey what you know to who you know it to?



                        • #72
                          Just posting this here as well:


                          I have just found an online pharmacy where you can buy it without a prescription, anyone used this pharmacy or got azasite from there?

                          They do 2.5ml, 5ml and 7.5ml

                          What is the normal mills that lasts 2 about 1/2weeks?
                          I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


                          • #73
                            So do they compound it for you without a prescription?


                            • #74
                              Its not a compounding pharamcy, its just a normal pharamcy but you dont need a prescription to get it.

                              I ordered restasis and no many others who do the same this way, its perfectly fine, theres a loophole that allows them to do it.
                              I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


                              • #75

                                I am interested in Azasite (anyone with cronic bleph cannot read this post and NOT be interested I guess!)

                                I came across this link


                                Does anyone know how to get the results of this ?


                                The magic gloop IS out there somewhere - right?

