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  • #31

    Greetings to all! As many of you have stumbled across The Dry Eye Zone because you were in search of alternative remedies for your 'dry eyes', I too have come across it because of eye issues. So far, I've found this site to be very helpful and I've incorporated some of the techniques others use, along with my own. I have lived in Chicago my entire life, so the harsh weather in the cold season certainly hasn't helped! I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Cheers to all!


    • #32
      New to the Site

      Hello All-- I found you on Google when I was searching sites for "dry eyes". My dry eye problem(right eye only)has been a long and drawn out process, but I think this site will provide me with LOTS of answers. I have ordered several items from the Dry Eye Shop.....hope they help. Thanks, Rebecca!!


      • #33
        Hi, dlove and mlalib!

        I just wanted to say, "Welcome." I hope that you both can find some things that help. This site has done wonders for me.



        • #34
          I was just diagnosed with dry eyes and the doc told me to do the hot compress thing twice a day---he told me to boil eggs and put them on my eyes. I knew if I had to do that twice a day that I wouldn't do it, so I googled things like heatable compress for eyes and found you that way.

          The doc said the eggs needed to be pretty hot on my eyes....I am relieved to know he was wrong about that one!


          • #35
            Welcome smileycat!

            Originally posted by smileycat3307 View Post
            I am relieved to know he was wrong about that one!
            Egads. No offense to the good doc (anyone who promotes heat treatment for MGD is a good guy in my book) but what does he expect you to do, eat egg salad every day? Make sure they're free range

            At this link you'll find some more options for warm compresses.
            Rebecca Petris
            The Dry Eye Foundation


            • #36
              Finding the Site

              Hello all,

              I found this site by Googling "Recurrrent Corneal Erosion." I had to wade through a lot of other sites before finding this one but once I did I was hooked. My deepest thanks to all who post here.


              • #37
                Welcome batwell!!

                Originally posted by batwell View Post
                Hello all,

                I found this site by Googling "Recurrrent Corneal Erosion." I had to wade through a lot of other sites before finding this one but once I did I was hooked.
                Phew - yes indeed. I just poked around to see how we're faring on google placement and you'd sure have to dig pretty far. Looks like you get there fastest with "recurrent erosions" but even then we're buried several pages in.
                But this was a good motivator - I've finally done some quick & dirty but much-needed updates on our encyclopedia page on RCEs, and I'm also starting a low-budget ad to help RCE patients find us more quickly. It'll come up when people type in things like ABMD, RCEs, recurrent erosions etc. If anyone has additional suggestions for keywords that they used when hunting for RCE help, please let me know. Thanks
                Rebecca Petris
                The Dry Eye Foundation


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Rebecca Petris View Post
                  I am curious to know how you are all finding Dry Eye Talk. For example are you searching on a dry eye term and the bulletin board comes up... or are you finding us through the dry eye zone or dry eye shop... or seeing links on other sites... or?
                  Although I searched alot for the term dry eyes on google but I never had the chance to see your website, but I was looking for dry eye blogs cuz I believe that the personal experience would be more helpful espicially that I needed to feel that I'm not alone, so your forum showed up and the dry eye zone was in your favorite links on the right.. and thats it! =)
                  "Give me a firm place to stand, and I will move the earth!", Archemedes.


                  • #39
                    Hi I found this site from google when I typed in dry eye specialists, I got the shingles in march of 2006. I thought that I had gotten something in my eye from doing some yard work,so I went to my family doctor and he refered me to an opthamologist and he said that there was nothing in my eye but he said that he thought he seen the beginning of shingles on my forehead so he gave me a dosage of famvier I probably didn't spell that right but anyway its an anti viral medicene, and what I have read about shingles if you get that medication within the first 72 hrs in will greatly reduce the rash. My eye dr. treated me for the next 8 months and my condition was just getting worse,I was blinking like a frog in a hail storm so he finally said thay he gave up on me he didn't know what else to do for me,so he referred me to a dry eye specialists in Nashville,Tn. That doctor has been treating me for almost a year and she hasn't done me any good either,she wanted to try botox on me but I didn't feel right about trying that because one of the side effects of botox is dry eyes. They have tried everything from otc eye drops to Restasis.,albumim drops They have tried it all I guess thats why it's called practicing medicene.Anyway I thought that I had it bad until I read some of the people on here! I have bad days and some that are not so bad especially if I lay down and rest my eyes for about an hour in the afternoon.I just wished that I could find a doctor that would just listen to me and would sit an explain what my problem really is, by that I mean is it the quantity or quality of my tears one did run the schmiers test but did not tell me the results.They just want to say that I have dry eyes and insinuate that it is age related,but I don't think so because I didn't have any problem before I got the shingles so they say, and I am not so sure that I had the shingles because I never had any sores on me just little tiny bumps on my forehead, and in my right eyebrow which I say are still there,but they also tell me that they are just old age spots, and I keep telling them that I didn't think that old age spots itched,these do..I don't ever have any trouble sleeping at night as far as the dry eyes go but when I first wake up my eyes feel a little irratated till I put a drop of systane in them then they feel pretty good till in the afternoon my eyes feel like I have been without sleep for two days, then I have to lay down for awhile.My eyes are very light sensative too.I just ordered the nutratears and the dewelle drops,I will give them a try and hopefully they will give me some relief,my lifestyle has really changed since I got dry eyes,just the simple things that we take for granted really bother me now like air conditioning,cool breezes etc. and by the way I don't think that 59 is considered old age!!



                    • #40
                      Search Engines Help Again


                      I found this chat through Dry Eye Shop.........which I found through a search engine.

                      Can't thank everyone here enough for the advice.



                      • #41
                        Desperate to find out why the red vessels in my eyes became so evident in July.... and going to 4 different Opthamologists each with a different diagnosis, I have been scowering the internet for any information. This bulletin came up several times. By the way, i still have tortuous vessels.


                        • #42
                          Welcome to DEZ, Adrian.

                          What diagnoses have you been given thus far?
                          Rebecca Petris
                          The Dry Eye Foundation


                          • #43

                            Hello to all,

                            I found out about this website by searching the web under dry eye syndrome.

                            It's nice to have a support system.


                            • #44
                              Welcome, Cioos. I hope that you find some helpful tips here.



                              • #45
                                Can you get dry eye in only one eye?

                                I had something get in my left eye a couple of months ago. I've been to 3 different Dr's and the only one who told me something said I had a pinguecula. I guess it can cause dry eye symptoms. I've tried numerous drops and nothing seems to take out the redness I see. It has caused me much stress and anxiety as I work in sales and have to meet folks face to face. My family said it does not look bad, but it's hard for me not to notice. I don't know if the eye can heal over time, but it has made my life stressful. It burns and itches at times. I've been taking supplements. I hope this will get better in time. The redness starts in the corner by the nose and smaller blood vessels and a couple of larger ones extend to the eye. I guess I need to learn to cope with this. Not sure what started it, but I flushed it out with lots of water and it even burned when I got the sensation that something was in it out. I currently giving my eyes a break and hoping things get better on there on. Thanks for any advice.

