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I'm one of the newbies on this site and thought I'd write my first reply. There's this product I read about online last night and it honestly sounds too good to be true & I'm going to purchase it this Thursday or Sunday. I too suffer from red/dry eyes. I have hope! Faith! I'd post up the links of this product but I'm scared I might get a reply from someone saying it won't work, lol, then again, I haven't really read anything about this product on here, I think? I hope it's not coded for other names, argh!
Will update the bad or good news this week, or when I can. ^_^
Hi Rebecca,
I Googled some dry eye terms, and found your site. Thank you for maintaining this. It is helpful and comforting knowing there are so many of us with a common challenge. Negative ANA here too, and I am going to request further testing for Sjorgen's on Tuesday.
I am new to this web site but previously was a member of the surgical eyes web site. I had lasik in January, 2001 because I could no longer wear my contacts. They were painful because I now know I had developed dry eye but no doctor had ever told me that my eyes were dry. For five years after lasik my right eye was extremely dry and very painful. Gradually it got better and is now painful infrequently. But my eyes are still uncomfortably dry. I tried every drop on the market and none of them made a difference. I went to ten different eye doctors. Only the last one I went to was helpful. The most consistent product that has helped was not recommended by a doctor. I found tranquil eyes on line and my eyes have been so much better. For those who have recently had lasik--don't give up. It took five years for my pain to go away. There is always hope. I now only have pain if I am in a very dry overheated room or am under a ceiling fan. I went to Doctor Latkany and he recommended allergy drops and an air cleaner. Unfortunately while the air cleaner helped with my allergies, it dried my eyes out and caused considerable pain. The air cleaner worked really well and would be of value to those whose eye pain is caused by allergies. I am reluctant to use the allergy drops because of the preservatives. I just received the onion goggles and find they are very helpful.
Hi Rebecca,
I found Dry Eye Zone after googling 'dry eyes and lasik'. While it is somewhat frightening to hear some of the stories, it is immensely reassuring to hear of the treatment options. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and giving birth to this web site. It is amazing how such a positive creative endeavour can evolve out of an unfortunate situation. . . this to gives hope!
I was searching the net re: Muro 128. Diagnosed with Fuchs' Dystrophy a few months ago and am having continual though mild eye pain. I know next to nothing about this mess, but at 78 yrs of age, do NOT want more surgery of any kind.
I would love to have business cards/flyers from this site in every lasik surgery place around. Let patients really hear what this surgery can be like and the true outcomes. Informed consent goes a long way and after the fact does not help as much as before I think. Regardless this site has been a wealth of info, help and support to me. I only wish I found it sooner after my lasik eye nightmare.
I joined today. I found the site while searching for serum eye drops. I have had one dry eye for 13 year S/P Lasik (what a mistake). I read a post earlier today mentioning different eye drops for different uses. I am very interested in filaments or really how to make them go away. All suggestions will be considered - thank you for being out there. I thought I was the only one to ever talk about an ice pick in my eye.
Hello all! I am glad to be here! I found this site when I was doing a general search of allergy issues. I have such a wide spread of allergies and some got worse after I had my kids. I am a nurse, and we always do a lot of patient education on non-medical solutions and aids to symptoms. That's basically what I was searching online for, non-medical aids for my allergy symptoms (one being dry, itchy eyes.)
I Googled "eye drops with glycerin" because I don't like how they feel in my eyes and Dry Eye Talk was one of the sites that came up. I liked the looks of it so here I am.